
1. **行气止痛**:木香是香木中的一种,具有行气止痛的功效,适用于治疗胸腹胀满、胸胁胀满、脘腹胀痛等症状。

2. **健脾消食**:木香归脾经,有助于健脾消食,对于消化不良、食欲不振等有一定的缓解作用。

3. **净化空气**:檀香木能够净化空气,去除异味,同时具有消炎、杀菌的效果,对于改善室内空气质量有积极作用。

4. **理气镇痛**:檀香木可以理气镇痛,对于腹胀或胃部不适有缓解作用。

5. **消炎和感冒**:檀香木具有消炎作用,对于感冒引起的身体不适有一定的缓解效果。

6. **调节心情**:檀香木的香气有助于调节情绪,使心情平静,对于紧张、焦虑和抑郁有一定的缓解作用。

7. **美容养颜**:檀香木具有美容养颜的作用,可以改善皮肤状况,减少疤痕和斑点。


8. **抗菌效能**:沉香木具有强烈的抗菌效能,可以用于治疗多种细菌感染。

9. **止咳化痰**:沉香木对于止咳化痰有很好的效果,适用于治疗咳嗽、痰多等症状。

10. **清神理气**:沉香木有清神理气的作用,可以净化心灵,改善烦躁情绪。

11. **治疗多种疾病**:沉香木还可以用于治疗肺结核、气喘、胃溃疡、胃炎、胃痛、便秘等多种疾病。

12. **防蚊虫、防潮**:沉香木具有一定的防蚊虫和防潮作用。



1. **补气固表**:黄芪具有显著的补气固表作用,能够增强人体的抵抗力,对于易感冒、气虚体弱的人群有很好的调理效果。

2. **健脾益肺**:党参和黄芪均有健脾益肺的功效,能够改善脾胃功能,增强消化吸收能力,同时对于呼吸系统疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

3. **生津养血**:党参和黄芪还能生津养血,对于血虚引起的头晕、乏力、面色苍白等症状有改善作用。

4. **增强免疫力**:党参黄芪水可以增强机体免疫力,有助于抵抗疾病,对于亚健康状态的人群尤其有益。

5. **改善心血管功能**:黄芪具有扩张血管、降低血压的作用,对于心血管疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **调节血糖**:党参黄芪水对于气阴两虚型糖尿病有一定的辅助治疗作用,能够改善多饮、多尿、乏力等症状。

7. **促进消化**:党参黄芪水有助于改善消化系统的功能,对于消化不良、食欲不振等有辅助治疗作用。


8. **改善睡眠**:党参黄芪水对于血虚引起的失眠、多梦等睡眠问题有一定的改善作用。

9. **辅助治疗妇科疾病**:党参黄芪水对于气血不足所导致的月经不调、经血量少色淡、闭经痛经等妇科疾病有一定的疗效。

10. **辅助治疗皮肤病**:党参黄芪水对于气血不足导致的皮肤问题,如皮肤干燥、瘙痒等,也有一定的改善作用。


– 湿热体质、阴虚火旺者。
– 热毒、发热者。
– 孕妇和月经期女性。
– 感冒患者。
– 对黄芪或党参过敏者。



1. **养血安神**:红枣含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,能够养血安神,对于改善失眠、多梦等症状有一定的帮助。

2. **滋补肝肾**:红枣与枸杞等食材搭配,能够滋补肝肾,对肝肾不足、视力模糊、腰膝酸软等症状有缓解作用。

3. **增强免疫力**:红枣中的营养成分有助于提高人体的免疫力,增强抵抗力,预防疾病。


4. **改善贫血**:红枣具有补血作用,适合贫血患者食用,有助于改善贫血症状。


5. **调节内分泌**:红枣对于调节内分泌系统也有一定的作用,对女性朋友的月经不调、内分泌失调等有辅助治疗作用。


6. **养颜美容**:红枣富含抗氧化物质,能够帮助清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老,对美容养颜有积极作用。

7. **健脾养胃**:红枣与山药、桂圆等食材搭配,能够健脾养胃,对于消化不良、食欲不振等有改善作用。

8. **抗衰老**:红枣中的一些成分具有抗氧化的作用,有助于延缓细胞衰老。



1. **清热解毒**:绿豆性凉,具有清热解毒的功效,可以帮助身体排出毒素,对于内火旺盛、口腔溃疡、皮肤炎症等有一定的缓解作用。

2. **润肺止咳**:百合具有润肺止咳、化痰、滋阴养血的作用,对于咳嗽、肺燥引起的喉咙干痛等症有很好的辅助治疗效果。

3. **安神润肺**:百合的安神作用可以帮助改善睡眠质量,同时润肺的效果对于神经衰弱、失眠等有积极作用。

4. **利尿消肿**:绿豆具有利尿消肿的作用,对于水肿、高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. **抗过敏**:绿豆中的胰蛋白酶能保护肾脏,减少过敏反应,对荨麻疹等过敏性疾病有一定的预防和缓解作用。

6. **降血脂**:绿豆百合粥中的多糖成分有助于降低血脂,对防治冠心病、心绞痛有一定的帮助。

7. **补钙补铁**:绿豆和百合都含有一定的钙铁元素,对于缺钙、缺铁性贫血有一定的改善作用。

8. **健脾和胃**:百合和绿豆都有助于健脾和胃,对于消化不良、食欲不振有一定的改善效果。

9. **健脑益智**:绿豆中的蛋白质和磷脂有助于兴奋神经、增进食欲,对提高大脑功能、增强记忆力有益。

10. **美容养颜**:百合具有美容养颜的功效,对于皮肤干燥、粗糙等问题有一定的改善作用。

11. **抗肿瘤**:百合中含有的生物活性物质具有一定的抗癌作用。



"White elephant and I were proud of the world when we were born in the early days of Luo, and we suppressed Guanyin and others. They have reached the top of the time law and have stepped into the realm of virtual creation. From then on, these people will not shoot you again. You must be careful!"

The green lion also recovered his eyes and woke up at Gao Cai.
"The younger generation knows that they will pay attention to it in the future!"
Gao Cai nodded his head and looked dignified. Speaking of it, it seems that Yuan Tianzun and his father have made moves one after another today, which has made the people of heaven and earth know about the present form, and it will be even more dangerous in the future. We must plan and raise it well. The most important thing is to upgrade quickly and promote Jin Wonderland at an early date.
In this way, one’s own strength can be promoted and life can be guaranteed.
"I didn’t expect these practices to have such a realm, but it’s a pity that I can use this kongtong seal to differentiate into five doppelgangers!"
After listening to the words of the lion and the white elephant, Li Shimin also felt a little sigh with emotion, and then turned his attention to the distant war, and the war in this field gradually stopped, with several masters of shushan and heaven fighting.
"It seems that the situation is settled and we need to prepare for it. With the help of Shushan, Datang can be regarded as having a strong ally, which will also be of great help to the future situation!"
After sweeping the situation in the field, Gao Cai’s eyes flickered slightly and said slowly, and he also gently pressed the fairy tower of science to firmly guard the whole of Shushan’s low-order brother, hundreds of thunder magic soldiers and hundreds of refining and chemical mountain soldiers, and the heaven gradually formed a confrontation situation.
There are already six bodies of those great witches left in the war, and the King Tota is surrounded by them to form a confrontation.
Several treasures of Shushan have been obtained by people, and I’m afraid I didn’t expect to continue to fight, and there is also a master of refining and killing treasures. Many things are not worth the candle.
"It’s good to wait and see now!"
Li Shimin ordered a little bit of leader dew meditation color said slowly.
In this conversation, Gao Cai’s hands were quickly clenched to collect the blood of the smashed wizards, and he was prepared to exercise his body and attack Jin Xian in the Chi-you banner.
For a moment, Gao Cai put away the great wizard JingXie, and at this time, Cheng Shi and Chinese Emperor also retreated after a fierce confrontation, each with a cold air of war.
"Cheng Shi, you will be punished sooner or later if you break the dogma!"
After this battle, Emperor Ziwei sat down on the throne again, and the staff was far away, and he said coldly, then the whole sky was covered with stars, and all the heavenly generals were shrouded and slowly disappeared.
Chapter three hundred and thirteen Rain falls
With the departure of Ziwei Emperor, the great war in Shushan stopped to leave a ruin, and the whole of Shushan became a mess. The sword peak was flattened and the floating island destroyed the original Xianjia holy land. At this time, it was like Senluo Hell.
In addition to the broken mountain wall, many bodies of Shushan brothers are also everywhere, with broken arms and limbs everywhere, giving people a doomsday scene. Several Shushan brothers just stand in vain and look at these scenes, looking blankly, angry and crying.
After watching the whole scene of shushan, Gao Cai also shook his head slightly. Although this shushan is lucky, it has been weakened, and the middle and high-level brothers have almost been killed, and more than half of the details have been consumed, which makes the whole shushan fall from the first-rate sects to the second and third streams.
This is also the profound and powerful sect of Shushan. If other sects are afraid that they have been wiped out by heaven, they will feel a little sorry for the middle and high school, and then reach out a little bit of Kunlun India’s pure sunshine thunder sea, and the whole of Shushan will be shrouded in this pure sunshine thunder water after a few earthquakes.
"Pure Yang thunder water? !”
Some monks who didn’t come and leave when they saw the pure sunshine water falling in the virtual space couldn’t help but exclaim. Some brothers of Shushan also looked at the thunder water falling in the virtual space with a blank look.
When looking at Gao Cai, Shu Shandi’s eyes were more grateful, while those on the sidelines looked at Gao Cai’s eyes with more awe and more strange feelings, and some of them were full of a little heat.
Now, everyone wants to take part in the Great Tang Dynasty to recruit immortals. After all, this pure Yang thunder water is an extremely good thing, especially the Tang Buddhist can make him afraid of more treasures in his hands.
When everyone has their own thoughts, pure sunshine and thunder water nourish several Lingcao Linghua, and several injured Lingwu recovered one by one, and the broken peaks were healed again as if the whole of Shushan had not experienced any injury.
If it weren’t for those broken limbs, no one could have imagined that they had experienced a terrible war before.
In these pure sunshine thunder waters, many Shushan brothers immediately sat cross-legged and huffed and puffed. These pure sunshine thunder waters recovered their injuries, and some of their body parts slowly grew out.
Some low-ranking brothers quickly cultivated and took the opportunity to break through the card growth and repair.
In this way, the consumption of pure yang thunder water in the thunder sea is great, but Gao Cai doesn’t care to wait for all his brothers to recover before slowly recovering the scattered pure yang thunder water.
"Thank you, Taoist!" Aside, Cheng Shi was grateful to see Gao Cai doing these things. This pure yang thunder water is condensed from pure yang, which is better than a panacea. It is really a big deal to come so generously.
Moreover, the recovery of Shushan and the treatment of the injured brother of Shushan also made Cheng’s affection for Gao Cai much a few minutes.
"It’s also my duty to be original when I can’t be praised so much by my predecessors. Since I am an ally of Shushan, I should naturally be benefited by my Datang."
Looking at the virtual neutrality, Chengshi Gaocai said slowly, but the sound clearly appeared in everyone’s ear in Shushan. Gaocai also wanted to take this opportunity to surface Shushan and Datang now.
"Ha ha promise things must promise now I of shushan by heaven avoid heavy losses in the future also want you to datang mutual support! If you have something to do with the Tang Dynasty, you will surely arrive. "
I didn’t pay too much attention to the meaning of Cheng Shi in Gao Cai’s words. I smiled and expressed my position. Then I saw a little surprise in Li Shimin’s eyes and looked around and said.
"These are pure Yang thunder waters, which can help the seniors to be original in strength. There is also a treasure in their hands that contains several pure Yang thunder waters that can be treated and promoted by practitioners. You can also send your brother to Chang ‘an if you need it."
Looking at Cheng Shi’s promise, Gao Cai moved a large pool of pure Yang thunder water and took it out to float in the virtual space and handed it to Cheng Shi.
Nowadays, many powerful brothers in Shushan have fallen, leaving a large number of low-ranking brothers. It can be said that there are huge faults in Shushan, and it is precisely these pure sunshine and thunder water that are needed.
Seeing these pure Yang Lei Shuicheng’s exultation, it is difficult to put away the pure Yang thunder water directly. Now it is difficult for Shushan to become a family. A large number of middle and high-ranking brothers have been killed. At present, the lack of strength has greatly reduced the strength of Shushan, and even if something happens, it will help these low-ranking brothers practice.
However, with these pure yang thunder water, these brothers’ mana can be greatly improved to help them practice.

This tacit understanding and feelings Huang Jinshi see a burst of envy.

I have seen Su Mo’s power and terror, and he also has a heart to intersect.
But after all, he met Su Mo only for a couple of days. Before that, he used to be Su Mo’s mount monkey and Linghu, and his status is naturally incomparable.
Linghu leaned in and shook his big head and said with a smile, "The boss just condensed Dan’s delicious spit, and the first sentence was to call your name."
Su Mo heard a burst of emotion in his heart.
Before this, whether it was a monkey or a spirit tiger didn’t condense that Dan couldn’t talk.
Most of their communication is a roar.
I didn’t expect that the first sentence of the monkey society was to call his name.
Not seen for more than twenty years
Monkeys have changed a lot.
The only constant is the wild body, the unruly eyes and the feelings for him!
Linghu proudly said, "I can conjure up a human form, so that I can make a name for myself in the future."
Monkey pie pie is full of disdain.
Linghu took a deep breath and solemnly shouted, "My name is Tiger Dominating Heaven!"
Fox couldn’t help laughing on the spot.
Su Mo heard it in stitches.
As soon as Linghu saw it on the spot, he was anxious. "What are you laughing at? What’s wrong with this name?"
The monkey spat and hit Linghu mercilessly.
Linghu eyes a stare terrier bogong face argued that "where is disgusting? How good this name is! "
Su Mo said with a smile, "It’s a vulgar name, but it’s quite a match with your temperament."
"You are just jealous of me!"
Linghu’s face was so black that she gnashed her teeth and shivered all over. The wound collapsed.
"What about you? You didn’t get yourself a name?"
Su Mo turned to look at the monkey.
Monkey’s pie mouth eyes disdained to raise their heads. "I am I don’t need a name. In the future, I want to be the strongest monkey demon in this world! The first thing that others think of when they see the monkey demon is me! "
Su Mo nodded.
This is the real domineering!
Monkeys have always been ambitious.

The name said, "Since Wang Yue, you choose to deal with the broken waves, you should give it to the old man. Although the sword is an evil sword, it is really called the king of Wan Jian. I don’t know if the old man’s heroic sword can be stopped by Wan Jian’s return to the motherland." But Wang Yue, don’t worry about it as long as you are old, and you won’t let the resolute and broken waves join hands. "

Ming Xiu also reached the realm of ghosts and gods. In the late period, Wan Jian’s return to the motherland was more powerful than in his hands
However, in the face of Wang Yue, fame is still not sure to win. Now it seems unfathomable to give fame to Wang Yue.
Actually, I don’t know Wang Yue’s kendo realm has reached another higher level.
Wang Yue nodded, "Well, if we can’t join hands with each other, then I have confidence that we will come alive. Let’s split up in Luo Xianhuai Jianchen, so we shouldn’t take part in your repair. It’s still too weak."
After everyone dispersed, Wang Yuecai said, "Tianmen is so powerful that breaking waves and resolute actions are really vigorous and resolute for us, so we have no reaction. By the time we got the news, breaking waves and resolute actions have occupied half of China."
Later, Wang Yue and Mingdu believed that after Duanlang swallowed Longyuan, they would kill themselves, but Duanlang did not do so, but occupied the sky and destroyed many sects.
Wang Yue and Mingdu broke the waves in vain, which forced them to find him.
After all, in the late stage of the supernatural-evil realm, the strong wanted to escape. Even if the waves were broken and the supernatural-evil realm was at its peak, the strong couldn’t stop it from killing everywhere and wouldn’t let Wang Yue take the initiative to send them to the door.
The next day, Tianwang Yue took Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun to stop the waves, but he went to the resolute place alone.
Wang Yuefei said to Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun in the middle, "Don’t start work after you two see the broken waves. Let me try the depth of the broken waves first. The broken waves are too strong. We don’t have any victory. I hope you will leave at once. I will stop him. If he doesn’t have overwhelming power, you will jointly exert the’ Mochow’ attack."
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun’s most powerful move is the "Moke Volume", which I hope will cause some trouble for breaking the waves.
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun nodded, "We know."
After flying for half an hour, Wang Yue felt the breath of breaking waves.
"Here we are," said Wang Yue lightly. "The broken wave breath is just around the corner. I didn’t expect that the broken wave absorbed two dragons, and the breath turned into a pretty beast, but the momentum was really amazing."
Although breaking the waves, the peak state of the ghost land is not cultivated by the real thing, the peak strength of the ghost land is the peak strength of the ghost land, and the root is not Wang Yue’s martial arts cultivation.
The powerful and fierce breath of breaking the waves made Wang Yue have a lingering fear.
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun looked at each other with dignity, and they never thought that breaking waves was so strong at this level.
"Wang Yue, Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, you are finally here." The sound of breaking waves suddenly sounded in the middle.
Wang Yue can feel the breath of breaking the waves, and he can also perceive their spirit.
A light gray light flashed across the broken waves and appeared in the middle, suspended in front of Wang Yue 100 meters away from Wang Yue, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun.
Wang Yue smiled and said, "Don’t you just want us to send the door if you swallow Long Yuan and don’t kill us? Why are you unhappy that we are here? "
Broken waves eyes flashing scarlet light smiled and said, "Happy seat, of course, I’m glad you can come, but it saves me a lot of things. I have to look for you everywhere. Wang Yue, let’s fight it out today. If you dare to escape, I’ll go to Shuangcheng to kill a chicken and a dog …"
Wang Yue’s speed is no slower than breaking the waves. Before breaking the waves, Wang Yue can’t escape, otherwise the power of breaking the waves will be no stronger.
Broken waves in the heart andao didn’t expect Wang Yue, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun to come so soon. If I had known, I wouldn’t have let the determination to destroy the Takeshi, but my side will soon be here in a battle.
We are determined to join hands with the broken waves and have the confidence to kill Wang Yue, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun in one fell swoop.
Breaking the waves doesn’t know that Ming has gone to stop it.
The cold mountain in Wang Yue’s eyes passed by and said, "Don’t worry, since I’m here, I won’t run away. I also want to see how powerful you are at the peak of this magical realm."
Break the waves and laugh. "Good Wang Yue, then you will be like a hero and a gentleman. You can die at the peak of the supernatural realm today, and the strength of the strong will be considered a fair death!"
The power of the broken wave body increased sharply and turned into a dragon-shaped phantom to kill Wang Yue.
Wang Yue felt as if a wild and fierce beast had rushed at him, and the pressure accumulated in his heart.
"God armor first!" Wang Yue drank a lot, and his armor was condensed by blood-red congenital gang gas, and there was a light blue light flashing.
The wave-breaking hand turned into a beast’s paw, and Wang Yue punched it and collided with the beast’s paw.
The whole day was dark, and then there was a strong light, violent energy, and the aftermath was so powerful that even Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun had to resist it.
Wang Yue was hit three miles away, and the gas condensed into a glove crack.
Wang Yue’s heart is horrified that the strength of the peak fighters in the supernatural realm is too strong, and the power of breaking waves is less than three times that of Wang Yue.
Just now, if it weren’t for unloading the breaking wave attack force, Wang Yue would have been seriously injured.
Breaking the waves but still staring at Wang Yue laughed. "Wang Yue, even if you are strong, it is not a rival year. Today is the anniversary of your death. Go to hell."
Breaking the waves is crazy again.
Wang Yue’s eyes were ablaze with white. "Really? Then come again. "

"It’s white wine … forget it." Lin Chong pointed to the second object, which is a stick like a baton, which is black, long and thick.

"This is a pressure stick rated to release 400,000 volts. I changed an ampere chip to adjust the peak value to 2 million volts. Of course, its duration was shortened to 30 seconds."
"After the pig demon is drunk and unconscious, you insert this stick into the anus of the pig demon. Remember to finish the insertion. I infer that the organ of the pig demon will not be as tough as the epidermis. The instantaneous flow of 2 million should be able to burn his organs to death or serious injury."
Lin chong picked up a stick and pressed it.
A blue spark flashed from the tip of the stick
Xu Erhu couldn’t help but get a fright, showing his fear and excitement. He trembled his lips and said, "God, god stick!" "
Your talent for naming is amazing … Lin Chong rolled his eyes.
And then the third one.
Lin Chong pointed to the green ceramic knife.
"The sharpness of a ceramic knife is ten times that of an ordinary steel knife, and it should be able to cut the skin of a pig demon, but it is brittle. It is awkward to cut it tangentially and vertically or it will break."
"Cut the skin of the pig demon’s chest and cut out its heart to kill it if it goes well."
"magic knife!" Xu Erhu said with tears in his eyes
I knew it … Did I explain it for nothing? Lin Chong thought while pushing these three things out of the plane wall and into the snow.
"Take it away, remember that Red Star … No fairy wine is required to give the pig demon a magic stick. It must be inserted into the anus, throat or brain of the pig demon to open the last magic knife and dig out the pig demon’s heart."
Xu Erhu plopped down on his knees and threw himself on the ground with his hands folded. "Thank you for giving me fairy wine, magic sticks and magic knives. Xu Jiacun wants to give you a golden body. My whole generation is my son and my grandchildren are you!"
I told you not to kneel and forget it. Let’s go. Lin Chong sat cross-legged on the floor and watched Xu Erhu’s appearance. I couldn’t help but feel a little sad. But remember that getting rid of the demon is risky, and I don’t know if these three things are effective against the pig demon. You have to fight it with death determination.
"It’s nothing to be able to get rid of the pig demon’s life. There is still a tiger, and the incense will not break!" Xu Erhu respectfully put three treasures into the package as he said.
Then Xu Erhu knocked on Lin Chong’s head for three times, kneeling nine times, and got a big hole in the snow.
Ah, Lin Chong sighed. Forget it and don’t advise him.
"If you remember to come and wish me not to pick up some prey for me except the pig demon," said Lin Chong with mirth.
"I’ll show you the pig demon meat!" Xu Erhu got up, tightened the package, turned around and left.
"By the way, the magic stick can make a once-filled one!" Lin Chong shouted at Xu Erhu’s back.
"I know!" Xu Erhu has gone quite far. When he heard Lin Chong calling, he turned around and "plopped" and knelt down before he got up and walked.
"True sincerity" Lin Chong smiled.
Looking at Xu Erhu from afar, Lin Chongshu breathed a sigh of relief.
His first communication with the world is over.
First of all, he knew that the mountain was called the Tang Dynasty, and then it was a demon-ridden world. Human beings were like demons who kept food in captivity and lived a miserable life, which was better than maybe in big cities, but it was so remote and the mountains were high and the emperor was far away.
But things are not always like this. Xu Erhu said a very critical node.
It was a year ago.
A year ago, there was a fairy mage class to clean up these demons.
In this year, the immortal disappeared, and Xu Erhu said that this was a divine tree breaking the heavens and the earth. These six words seemed to be an earth-shattering event, which caused the immortal to stop walking on the earth, and how Xu Erhu described it clearly.
"I’ve been crossing it for a year," Lin Chongwang muttered at the top of the snowy mountain in Kunlun. What’s the connection?
Hissing ~
The little red snake swam out of the snow nest, and the green snake looked at Lin Chong’s snake letter with some expectation.
Lin Chong threw a golden mushroom to it.
The little red snake picked it up and shook it at Lin Chong with its head held high. It was probably very proud to thank you.
Lin Chong felt that the little red snake was raised a bit like a dog.
In the kitchen.
Lin Chong is preparing lunch today.
I still have the last bit of cooking oil at hand. Usually, Lin Chong eats boiled mushrooms. These two days, he rushed through the first anniversary of the Tang Dynasty, and he took out the fried mushrooms to eat.
"I haven’t eaten fried mushrooms for a long time."
Lin Chong washed the mushrooms, prepared to cut them into pieces and then fried them in pan.
At this time, the waterway makes a "gurgling" sound, and the water accumulates in the basin to get rid of it.

There are two great evils in this life of protoss.

Emperor God and Xiaoxiang Goddess
In the past 100 years, these two great ubers have destroyed the three gates in the field of repairing the truth after three strikes.
It is said in the fix true world that the goddess Xiaoxiang is the most powerful two genies of the protoss for tens of thousands of years, and they are even more married, which can be described as the real golden couple.
Behind the emperor god, there are two fit protoss with negative hands.
Look at this gesture, it should be the bodyguard and servant around the Emperor God.
Just as Long Huang stepped into the wild temple, the Emperor God also put his glass and turned his head slightly to look at Gherardini.
Emperor god in eyed Long Huang look deep in the fundus over a kill machine.
Long Huang’s eyes have shifted to the three people behind the two servants.
These three protoss have an old man, an old woman and a middle-aged man.
These three people’s cultivation realms are not obvious, but they are filled with terrible breath!
Long Huang looks slightly squint.
"Everyone be careful that it may be the ancestor god!"
Long Cang suddenly sounds dignified.
Ancestral protoss!
Not half-ancestor
But the real bodhi old zu!
Feel the eyes of Long Huang, the three ancestors feel something and look up at this side at the same time.
The eyes of both sides touched in the middle-as if there were sparks flying!
The atmosphere in the wild temple suddenly became dignified!
In the hall, I just pushed a cup for a change, and in a blink of an eye, I could hear the birds falling!
Chapter one thousand five hundred and thirty-six A gift!
"Ha ha ha ha!"
At this time, there was a loud and hearty laugh in the hall, which made the whole hall tremble slightly!
The barbarian young master stood up and threw his fist at Long Huang. "Brother Long Mo, please forgive me for coming here!"
"Brother Longmo, please sit down quickly!"
The barbarian young master looks enthusiastic and sincere, and seems to be scheming.
Especially with such a strong body, it is easy to give people an impression of strong limbs and simple mind.
But Long Huang really knows in his heart.
No one is stupid if he can become a family without a master!
The barbarian young master let his protoss people meet in the wild temple, which is obviously intentional, and the ultimate goal is probably that the barbarians will strive for the greatest benefit!
"What shall we do? It is imperative to look at the protoss posture and win over the barbarians, and the protoss has come to three ancestors! "
Dragon Sunseeker was a little worried about the divine voice and asked, "Why don’t we return to Dragon Skeleton Valley immediately, young master?"
Long Cang slightly shook his head and said, "This is the barbarian territory. The barbarian is the master. The protoss will never dare to hurt people! What’s more, there are two barbarian bodhi old zu guarding behind the tiger. "
"If those three ancestors really dare to start work, the barbarian bodhi old zu will certainly intervene!"
Lonely cloud also nods, "I agree that barbarians are the safest place at present. If we leave the protoss rashly, we will fall into a dangerous situation."
The three of them discussed while talking.
The three gods know the sound, and naturally they didn’t hide from Long Huang.
But Long Huang’s face was always silent, and the three of them didn’t know what was going on in his heart.
Among the many eyes staring at the protoss’ strong hostility, Long Huang was the first to step into the wild temple and come to the main hall.
"Are you Longmo?"
The emperor god slowly got up and said with a big eye, "I’ve heard so much about you!" "
Long Huang didn’t even look at the Emperor God. He looked at the barbarians in front of him in the main hall and saw the mountain. He said, "Don’t talk nonsense. I came here this time to get barbarian support."
"I hope that the barbarians can fight against the six fierce tribes together in the conference of all nationalities."
"Snow …"
Next to a sneer.
The emperor looked at Long Huang with a mocking look, and his eyes were full of disdain.
It turns out that he is also a powerful role in the three taboos of dragon ink body. I didn’t expect to be so impatient!
Behind the emperor god, two protoss powers also laugh at the same time.
Emperor god carefree way "have long heard that the so-called taboo dragon phoenix is just a Terran wild force in two places at once, I still have some don’t believe it"
"I didn’t know what I said until I saw it today."
The emperor looked at Long Cang and others and said, "Aren’t you afraid that such a Terran will take the Dragon into the abyss if you serve the young master in two places?"
"Dragon less theme do you a foreigner!"
Long Cang cold hum a bad tone.
The protoss drank vigorously, "How can a follower get in a word when the Lord speaks?"
Long Cang face a heavy eyes cold.

"Sir, do you mean that if you become China, you can really live forever?" Win eyes full of excitement.

"Of course! Now that the Heavenly Palace is shaking, it is a great opportunity for the Emperor to be reincarnated and reincarnated! " Jade Duxiu meaningful way
"Sir means …" Win smell speech suddenly shortness of breath.
"If we can unify Terran and rebuild China, the thirty-three heavy days are waiting for us." Jade Duxiu takes its time.
"This statement is true!" Win excited way
"Even two people in the world are just a little boy who sees you as if you have escaped from my palm." Jade Duxiu sneers at winning in her eyes and heart.
"Please ask my husband to help me!" Win respect way
"We can rest assured that being original here is to help us ascend to the throne of Heaven Emperor" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.
"So many gentlemen in the Imperial Court chose me?" Win a pair of eyes staring at Yu Duxiu intensely.
"Being original is the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven. Believe it or not." Jade Duxiu Gherardini looked at winning.
Chapter 2166 Buddhists will talk about Taoism.
"I believe it."
To Yu Duxiu’s unexpected victory, I believe it is unambiguous.
Yu Duxiu frowned. "Aren’t you afraid of being original and cheating you?"
"I was told that I was born with a seal in my hand and that seal was chopped by my father!" Win neither too fast nor too slow
"So that’s the case. It’s true that heaven and man have long known this kind of thing." Jade Duxiu sighed gently.
"I wonder if Mr. Wang is human?" Win looked at Yu Duxiu’s eyes full of sincerity. "Please tell me honestly, sir, don’t lie!"
"If you can restore your memory, you will naturally remember who you are being original," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly
As he spoke, Yu Duxiu slowly pulled out a tray from his sleeve. "Here’s a gift for you."
"Is this a thing?" Look at the tray covered with red silk and win one leng.
"This thing is necessary for you to ascend to heaven." Jade Duxiu looked at it and smiled. "Have you ever heard of the imperial robes?"
"Is it?" Winning one leng and jerking the tray forward is the sinking of the stars, which is intoxicating, and it seems that you are in a star to extricate yourself.
"This imperial robe, of course, I’ve heard of my father, the King of Xinjiang, and it is this imperial robe that can defeat the former emperor."
Jade Duxiu nodded. "It’s good to know. I’ll give you this imperial robe."
"Thank you very much for being a trustworthy person." Win the jade show with a deep ceremony and carefully put away the imperial robes.
"Sir I don’t know before the twelve strong man master? Is it worth the attention of the Taoist priest? " Win one leng way
Jade Duxiu smiled. "We can know the number of strong people in all worlds, but the extremely strong people can only be called immortals."
"Fairy? I know that I am a immortal of Daqin dynasty, but many "win leng"
Jade Duxiu heard the words and sneered, "Immortals are immortal, but there are endless hardships in the world, and everyone in the imperial dynasty can call them monks. There are thirty or fifty immortals in these days!"
Only 30 to 50 people out of hundreds of millions of beings can be imagined, which is hundreds of millions of times more difficult than winning the lottery
"This ….." Win stunned.
Jade Duxiu sneered and then took a slow step. "These twelve people are the immortals among the thirty or fifty people who want to collect the heavenly soldiers and gather their golden bodies!"
"Really?" Have a boiling passion
"Of course not false" Jade Duxiu smiled.
"The Taoist priest can be among those 30-50 people." Looking at Jade Duxiu with a sigh.
When Yu Duxiu heard this, he smiled bitterly and didn’t win. Knowing that he had said something wrong, he immediately changed his mouth. "I don’t know what to do now?"
"Of course, what you want to do is to wipe out all countries and unify the sky!" Yudu avenue
"It’s a long way to go. Xiu Yuan wants to wipe out all countries. I don’t know how many years and months it will take. Although I have the help of my husband and the help of the man of God, it’s just a physical session. Even if I can’t wait until that time, please ask my husband to practice dharma or ask me to call heaven and earth to unify in my lifetime." My eyes flashed with hope.