
1. **补脾止泻**:红莲性平、味甘涩,归心、脾、肾经,可以补脾止泻,适用于脾胃虚弱导致的腹泻。

2. **益肾涩精**:红莲具有益肾涩精的作用,对于肾虚引起的遗精、滑精有较好的治疗作用。

3. **养心安神**:红莲有养心安神的功效,适用于心神不宁、失眠多梦、健忘等症状。


4. **清热解毒**:红莲具有一定的清热解毒作用,可用于热病烦渴、咽喉肿痛等症。

5. **抗癌作用**:现代研究表明,红莲中所含的氧化黄心树宁碱对鼻咽癌有抑制作用。

6. **降血压**:红莲中含有非结晶形生物碱N9,具有一定的降血压作用。


7. **健脑益智**:红莲含有丰富的钙、磷、钾等微量元素和多种维生素,有助于健脑,增强记忆力,提高工作效率,预防老年痴呆。

8. **维持酸碱平衡**:红莲中的磷是细胞核蛋白的主要组成部分,有助于机体进行蛋白质、脂肪、糖类代谢,并维持酸碱平衡。

9. **促进凝血**:红莲中的某些成分可以促进凝血,对某些出血症状有辅助治疗作用。

10. **滋补养生**:红莲适合久病、产后或老年体虚者食用,是一种老少皆宜的营养佳品。




1. **促进消化**:黑胡椒能刺激胃酸分泌,有助于食物的消化,同时促进胃肠蠕动,对缓解胃部不适有积极作用。


2. **减肥瘦身**:黑胡椒中的辣椒素可以刺激脂肪燃烧,加快新陈代谢,对减肥瘦身有一定的帮助。


3. **缓解疼痛**:黑胡椒中的辣椒素和皮质醇等物质具有止痛效果,可以缓解疼痛。

4. **促进血液循环**:黑胡椒含有的钾、锌等矿物质有助于促进血液循环,调节血压,防止贫血。

5. **抗氧化抗衰老**:黑胡椒中的单宁酸等物质具有抗氧化、抗衰老的功效,有助于保护身体健康。


6. **消痰解毒**:黑胡椒味辛、性热,有助于消痰解毒,适用于胃腹冷痛、肠鸣腹泻等症状。

7. **去腥解腻**:黑胡椒能去除食物中的腥味和油腻,增进食欲,有助于消化。

8. **防腐抑菌**:黑胡椒具有一定的防腐抑菌作用,可以防止食物变质,同时有助于抑制肠道中的有害细菌。

9. **保护肝脏**:黑胡椒中的植物化学成分具有抗氧化和解毒作用,能有效抑制自由基的产生,保护肝脏。

10. **抗炎作用**:胡椒中的多酚类物质具有较强的抗炎作用,有助于增强人体免疫力。

11. **降低血压**:胡椒中的钾元素有助于降低血液中的钠元素,从而降低血压。

12. **提高免疫力**:胡椒中的维生素C有助于提高机体的免疫力,增强抵抗力。



1. **破除恶业**:准提咒被认为具有强大的净化力量,能够破除无始劫以来积累的恶业,包括那些可能导致无间地狱的恶业。


2. **增长福报**:持诵准提咒能够增长持咒者的福德,其福报之大,如同古代的转轮圣王。

3. **普遍利益**:准提咒不受修行者根器、善根或福报的限制,无论在家、出家、是否饮酒食肉、有无妻室子女,都能从中受益。

4. **增强信心**:通过持诵准提咒,修行者能够逐渐减少贪、嗔、痴等三毒,建立起正知正见,从而增强修行的信心。


5. **感应显著**:许多修行者在持诵准提咒的过程中,感受到了显著的感应,这些感应包括避免灾难、实现愿望等。

6. **心理调节**:通过持咒,修行者的心理状态得到改善,如孟子所述的“夭寿不二”,即通过调整心态,修行者能够更加平和地面对人生的顺境和逆境。

7. **实际效果**:一些修行者分享了他们的个人经历,如避免意外伤害、在工作中取得好成绩等,这些经历增强了他们对准提咒的信心。

8. **心灵解脱**:准提咒被认为能够帮助修行者达到心灵上的清凉和解脱,如同沙漠中的清泉,给人以无限的安乐。




1. **大补元气**:石柱参具有显著的补气作用,能够增强人体的整体活力,适用于元气亏损、疲劳无力、肢冷脉微等症状。

2. **补脾益肺**:它能够帮助改善脾虚食少、肺虚喘咳等症状,对于增强脾胃功能和肺功能有积极作用。

3. **生津止渴**:对于口干舌燥、津伤口渴等情况有缓解作用。

4. **养心安神**:对于心悸、失眠、多梦等精神状态不佳的症状有辅助治疗作用。

5. **增强免疫力**:石柱参中含有人参皂甙等多种活性成分,能够提高人体免疫力,增强抗病能力。

6. **抗衰老**:其中的麦芽酚成分有助于抑制脂质过氧化,延缓细胞老化,具有抗衰老的作用。

7. **抗糖尿病、抗肿瘤**:石柱参具有抗糖尿病、抗肿瘤的作用,对糖尿病患者和肿瘤患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

8. **抗疲劳、抗缺氧**:石柱参具有抗疲劳、抗缺氧的药理作用,有助于提高人体在恶劣环境下的耐受能力。

9. **抗动脉硬化**:能够降低血脂,抗动脉硬化,对心血管健康有益。

10. **养颜护发**:石柱参有助于改善肌肤状况,增强头发光泽,达到养颜护发的效果。

11. **增进饮食**:有助于改善食欲不振、消化不良等症状。


– 实热证、湿热证者不宜食用。
– 正气不虚者不宜滥用。
– 孕妇应谨慎食用,以免影响胎儿健康。



### 营养价值

1. **矿物质含量**:大蒜皮含有较高的钙、磷、镁等矿物质,这些元素对骨骼健康和维持正常的生理功能至关重要。

2. **微量元素**:大蒜皮中含有一定量的微量元素,如硒和锗,这些元素对于增强免疫力、抗氧化和预防癌症有积极作用。

3. **维生素**:大蒜皮含有一定量的维生素B群,如硫胺素(维生素B1)、核黄素(维生素B2)和尼克酸(维生素B3),这些都是人体必需的营养素。

4. **抗氧化物质**:大蒜皮中含有多种抗氧化物质,如柠檬醛,这些物质有助于抵抗自由基,减少氧化应激,从而有助于预防慢性疾病。

### 保健作用

1. **抗氧化作用**:大蒜皮中的抗氧化物质有助于保护细胞免受自由基损害,可能降低患心脏病、癌症等慢性疾病的风险。

2. **抗菌作用**:大蒜皮中的活性成分具有抗菌特性,可能有助于预防感染。

3. **抗炎作用**:大蒜皮中的某些成分可能具有抗炎作用,有助于缓解炎症相关疾病。

4. **抗癌作用**:大蒜皮中的微量元素和化合物可能有助于预防癌症,尤其是在抑制癌细胞的生长和扩散方面。

5. **改善心血管健康**:大蒜皮可能有助于降低血压和胆固醇水平,从而改善心血管健康。

6. **调节血糖**:大蒜皮中的成分可能有助于调节血糖水平,对于糖尿病患者可能有益。

### 使用建议



– **适量食用**:大蒜皮不宜过量食用,因为其中可能含有较多的刺激性成分。
– **烹饪方法**:大蒜皮可以用于烹饪,如煮汤或炖菜,但不宜长时间高温烹饪,以免破坏其中的活性成分。



1. **发汗解表**:葛根汤能够帮助身体排出体表的风寒邪气,适用于治疗因外感风寒引起的恶寒、发热、无汗、头痛、身痛等症状。

2. **生津舒筋**:葛根汤中的葛根具有生津止渴、舒筋活络的功效,可以缓解因津液不足引起的口渴、肢体疼痛等症状。

3. **治疗多种疾病**:葛根汤常用于治疗感冒、流感、急性肠炎、痢疾、脑膜炎、过敏性鼻炎、三叉神经痛、眩晕症、麻疹等疾病。

4. **丰胸**:野葛根成分有助于丰胸,可以在弹性限度内促进乳房发育丰满,同时消耗体内多余脂肪。



5. **美容养颜**:葛根汤具有调节内分泌、养颜抗衰老、滋润肌肤的作用,长期使用可以减少黄褐斑,改善青春痘。

6. **预防心血管疾病**:葛根汤对高血脂引起的冠状动脉硬化有改善作用,可以预防冠心病、心绞痛、心肌梗塞等心血管疾病。

7. **保护肝脏**:葛根汤能够提高肝细胞再生能力,恢复肝脏正常机能,促进胆汁分泌,防止脂肪在肝脏堆积,增强肝脏的解毒功能。

8. **改善睡眠和情绪**:对于因肝脏问题引起的睡眠障碍和情绪不稳定,葛根汤也有一定的改善作用。


This tacit understanding and feelings Huang Jinshi see a burst of envy.

I have seen Su Mo’s power and terror, and he also has a heart to intersect.
But after all, he met Su Mo only for a couple of days. Before that, he used to be Su Mo’s mount monkey and Linghu, and his status is naturally incomparable.
Linghu leaned in and shook his big head and said with a smile, "The boss just condensed Dan’s delicious spit, and the first sentence was to call your name."
Su Mo heard a burst of emotion in his heart.
Before this, whether it was a monkey or a spirit tiger didn’t condense that Dan couldn’t talk.
Most of their communication is a roar.
I didn’t expect that the first sentence of the monkey society was to call his name.
Not seen for more than twenty years
Monkeys have changed a lot.
The only constant is the wild body, the unruly eyes and the feelings for him!
Linghu proudly said, "I can conjure up a human form, so that I can make a name for myself in the future."
Monkey pie pie is full of disdain.
Linghu took a deep breath and solemnly shouted, "My name is Tiger Dominating Heaven!"
Fox couldn’t help laughing on the spot.
Su Mo heard it in stitches.
As soon as Linghu saw it on the spot, he was anxious. "What are you laughing at? What’s wrong with this name?"
The monkey spat and hit Linghu mercilessly.
Linghu eyes a stare terrier bogong face argued that "where is disgusting? How good this name is! "
Su Mo said with a smile, "It’s a vulgar name, but it’s quite a match with your temperament."
"You are just jealous of me!"
Linghu’s face was so black that she gnashed her teeth and shivered all over. The wound collapsed.
"What about you? You didn’t get yourself a name?"
Su Mo turned to look at the monkey.
Monkey’s pie mouth eyes disdained to raise their heads. "I am I don’t need a name. In the future, I want to be the strongest monkey demon in this world! The first thing that others think of when they see the monkey demon is me! "
Su Mo nodded.
This is the real domineering!
Monkeys have always been ambitious.

"Sir, do you mean that if you become China, you can really live forever?" Win eyes full of excitement.

"Of course! Now that the Heavenly Palace is shaking, it is a great opportunity for the Emperor to be reincarnated and reincarnated! " Jade Duxiu meaningful way
"Sir means …" Win smell speech suddenly shortness of breath.
"If we can unify Terran and rebuild China, the thirty-three heavy days are waiting for us." Jade Duxiu takes its time.
"This statement is true!" Win excited way
"Even two people in the world are just a little boy who sees you as if you have escaped from my palm." Jade Duxiu sneers at winning in her eyes and heart.
"Please ask my husband to help me!" Win respect way
"We can rest assured that being original here is to help us ascend to the throne of Heaven Emperor" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.
"So many gentlemen in the Imperial Court chose me?" Win a pair of eyes staring at Yu Duxiu intensely.
"Being original is the reincarnation of the Emperor of Heaven. Believe it or not." Jade Duxiu Gherardini looked at winning.
Chapter 2166 Buddhists will talk about Taoism.
"I believe it."
To Yu Duxiu’s unexpected victory, I believe it is unambiguous.
Yu Duxiu frowned. "Aren’t you afraid of being original and cheating you?"
"I was told that I was born with a seal in my hand and that seal was chopped by my father!" Win neither too fast nor too slow
"So that’s the case. It’s true that heaven and man have long known this kind of thing." Jade Duxiu sighed gently.
"I wonder if Mr. Wang is human?" Win looked at Yu Duxiu’s eyes full of sincerity. "Please tell me honestly, sir, don’t lie!"
"If you can restore your memory, you will naturally remember who you are being original," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly
As he spoke, Yu Duxiu slowly pulled out a tray from his sleeve. "Here’s a gift for you."
"Is this a thing?" Look at the tray covered with red silk and win one leng.
"This thing is necessary for you to ascend to heaven." Jade Duxiu looked at it and smiled. "Have you ever heard of the imperial robes?"
"Is it?" Winning one leng and jerking the tray forward is the sinking of the stars, which is intoxicating, and it seems that you are in a star to extricate yourself.
"This imperial robe, of course, I’ve heard of my father, the King of Xinjiang, and it is this imperial robe that can defeat the former emperor."
Jade Duxiu nodded. "It’s good to know. I’ll give you this imperial robe."
"Thank you very much for being a trustworthy person." Win the jade show with a deep ceremony and carefully put away the imperial robes.
"Sir I don’t know before the twelve strong man master? Is it worth the attention of the Taoist priest? " Win one leng way
Jade Duxiu smiled. "We can know the number of strong people in all worlds, but the extremely strong people can only be called immortals."
"Fairy? I know that I am a immortal of Daqin dynasty, but many "win leng"
Jade Duxiu heard the words and sneered, "Immortals are immortal, but there are endless hardships in the world, and everyone in the imperial dynasty can call them monks. There are thirty or fifty immortals in these days!"
Only 30 to 50 people out of hundreds of millions of beings can be imagined, which is hundreds of millions of times more difficult than winning the lottery
"This ….." Win stunned.
Jade Duxiu sneered and then took a slow step. "These twelve people are the immortals among the thirty or fifty people who want to collect the heavenly soldiers and gather their golden bodies!"
"Really?" Have a boiling passion
"Of course not false" Jade Duxiu smiled.
"The Taoist priest can be among those 30-50 people." Looking at Jade Duxiu with a sigh.
When Yu Duxiu heard this, he smiled bitterly and didn’t win. Knowing that he had said something wrong, he immediately changed his mouth. "I don’t know what to do now?"
"Of course, what you want to do is to wipe out all countries and unify the sky!" Yudu avenue
"It’s a long way to go. Xiu Yuan wants to wipe out all countries. I don’t know how many years and months it will take. Although I have the help of my husband and the help of the man of God, it’s just a physical session. Even if I can’t wait until that time, please ask my husband to practice dharma or ask me to call heaven and earth to unify in my lifetime." My eyes flashed with hope.

Half a month later, most of the witches buried in Milian Mountain were successfully resurrected, but the rest were assimilated into pure nutrients by Milian Mountain.

Such a change is also expected by Meng Gang. After all, the witch clan has been sleeping for so long, naturally some people can’t hold on to real death, but it is also the most glorious place for them to die in the holy mountain.
Miliang Mountain, also known as Wushan Mountain, is the sacred mountain in the eyes of the witches, and Hu Tianze, who holds the sacred mountain, is regarded as a big sacrifice by these resurrected witch warriors in secret.
Miliang Mountain is the joint efforts of the Witch and the Terran to create the original control of this mountain, and the Terran and the Witch are equally divided. Therefore, even if Hu Tian is a Terran, his status in the heart of Witch Gate is as high as that of Meng Gang.
However, these witches are still a little bitter about the attitude of others in the Junma clan. Obviously, this kind of thing, like wine, needs to be brewed when it is mixed to develop slowly.
Hu-day also don’t try so hard to connect to this he will focus on the flying thunder Yin mother ship.
It has been two months since the battle of Tianguang Temple, and the mother ship of Feileiyin has been renovated completely but has not really changed.
Those parts salvaged from the battlefield are being repaired and rebuilt day and night by Alakazam’s robot.
It is worth noting that Mo Chenhui took the initiative to participate in this matter, and her serious and positive attitude not only greatly accelerated the progress, but also often pointed out that a bunch of people in the machine door were waiting for her. The extremely high talent of the Mohist school naturally made Alakazam and other people’s congresses look at it in a similar way
"Hu-day patriarch, I am willing to contribute the structural practice of Jiuyang Leichi and reliable information about the real iron mausoleum." Mo Chenhui took the initiative to find Hu-day, but she was a little thin when she was under house arrest in Hu-day.
Hu Tian was slightly surprised and asked, "What do you want?"
Mo Chenhui has already brewed the answer in his heart. At this time, he immediately blurted out, "It signed a Covenant with the heads of the fathers to jointly resist the Xuan Huang Empire."
"Sure enough," Hu, as in the past two months, has been aware that there have been reports from time to time. The Emperor Xuanhuang relied on Dao Bingwei’s national strength to suppress the two major fix-up empires of Yan and Heishui.
In his active expansion, not only the four major machine families such as Mohism, but also the surrounding forces such as Liuyunge and Xuanwu Sect all felt a strong threat, and many interests were seized by Huang Dajun, who was at the height of his power.
Around the Xuan Huang Empire, the dissatisfied forces shouted and responded to a magnificent wave of opposition to the Xuan Huang Emperor, which has broken through the undercurrent and accumulated as thick as a volcano is about to erupt
Enemies enemies are friends.
It’s natural for Mo Chenhui to make a joint Hu-day move to abandon the past.
"It seems that not only you but also Man Yinxian are planning to do so. Well, you want to unite with me and also take a fancy to the power of Tianguang Temple?" At this time, Hu Tian got a glimpse of the leopard and associated many things.
Even if it used to be that Mo Chenhui killed his opponent, he didn’t reveal a glimmer of admiration in Hu-day’s eyes at this time.
Being under house arrest in Hu-day these days, this charming girl has not given birth to the idea of fleeing, but as time goes by, her mind has become weaker and weaker, instead, she has a strong curiosity about Junma clan.
Cultivation Gate, Sword Gate, Dan Gate … She has rarely seen one party’s power cover so many schools of repairing the truth and at the same time be able to develop in a balanced way. The Junma clan is small in scale, but its development potential is huge, which makes her lose heart.
Especially, the outstanding talents in Junma clan are like clouds, not to mention that they can compete with her. Alakazam is a genius who is strong in attack and can resist the alchemist Jin Yong, a monk of the Yuan God. Xunxian said that Lin Hongying, Betty Chung and Bifei Shuangliu have excellent qualifications and strong talents. After a hundred years, they will be Yuan God-level figures.
In Hu-day, the abnormal Mo Chenhui and Man Yinxian, who defeated Sunflower’s father-in-law from Yuan God by leaps and bounds to distraction period, have been shocked and numb, and directly divide him into ubers in their hearts.
With so many talented people, it is not to mention that the daily consumption of witch rice in Junma clan has once attracted Mo Chenhui’s attention.
She had never seen such high-quality animal tooth rice, and its quality was comparable to that of Dan medicine, which made her almost lose her mind when she first learned it.
She is a charming girl of Mohist school, and the natural white rice represents the meaning. Her Mohist school has inherited thousands of years of profound knowledge and has never had such top food for so many people to eat together.
A power depends not on how many masters it has, but on its daily life.
Mo Chenhui knows that food alone will bring down almost all forces in the fix true world and firmly occupy the peak position.
Besides, Junma clan is rich, and she is surprised to see that there is a triple crystal mother vein buried in the flying boat, which is almost the source of wealth that can be inherited from generation to generation!
She still remembers that when she first heard the news, her mouth couldn’t close properly for a long time, and the extinct plants, such as purple-edged bodhi tree and shady grass, had rich financial resources to make her jealous.
Especially recently, Hu Tiandong’s mother in Huansha Mine really carried out the activities of deducing and upgrading the clan achievement method, which made her unbelievable and didn’t know what to say.
If she tells these stories, it is estimated that no one will believe them! But it happened that they happened in front of her eyes, and the facts were so conclusive that she didn’t believe them and had to believe them.
At present, it is a wise choice for the enemy to suspect with such a powerful force with terrorist potential.
In the previous conflicts, both Mo Chenhui and Man Yinxian have forgotten them.
There are no eternal enemies and friends in this world, and it is a win-win situation to have eternal interests to make enemies and friends.
This Mo Chenhui knows that Hu-day is naturally white, but unlike Mo Chenhui, he is not going to let these two beauties go so easily on the strong side.
"Alliance can give you freedom, but you can’t leave …" He deliberately prolonged his tone.
Mo Chenhui sighed, "After the alliance, I decided to make material compensation for Junma clan. Not only that, but Manyinxian also shared my intention."
Section 13 Mysterious forces
Traditionally, alliances have not always been easy, especially when the weak side takes the initiative to form alliances. In this period, it is inevitable to make some sacrifices and compensation.
This Mo Chenhui is also well aware and has long been expected.
Then after some bargaining, the two sides finally finalized the specific amount of compensation.
"Then make an alliance." Hu Tian didn’t hesitate the fact that he was very satisfied with this situation. He could not only get rid of the two potential enemies, Mohism and Rhyme Pavilion, but also get a lot of wealth resources from his hometown.
Happy but not happy?
Mo Chenhui is a little unhappy. Just in the discussion, Hu-day’s tough attitude decided to pay compensation, which made her feel dull pain.
The anti-Xuan-Huang alliance, composed of four families, Rhyme Pavilion, Phoenix Outrageous Force and Tianguang Temple, was officially born. The alliance covered more than a dozen first-class forces and hundreds of second-rate forces, and its influence spread to six star domains, including quicksand star domain, Long Lin star domain and black iron star domain.
At that time, the chaos in the border of the Xuan and Huang empires forced the Xuan and Huang emperors to suspend their fierce offensive against Blackwater and Yan empires and spend a lot of energy to consolidate the rear sideline and protect the route for providing foodstuff.
Emperor Xuan Huang was indeed a great talent. After he was in the rear, he quickly stabilized the situation. The perfect combination of war and soldiers made his hands form an irresistible force
In July, he suddenly transferred tens of millions of soldiers and forcefully wiped out several first-class forces, which made the anti-Xuan-Huang alliance suffer great setbacks and had to stay away for a while and dare not cut its edge.
Then Emperor Xuanhuang took differentiation measures, and Xu Zhongli successfully rebelled against the main figures of the alliance forces. Just one and a half months later, the anti-Xuanhuang alliance was formed for the first time in the middle of the month, and it has existed in name only.
In September, he ordered Samurai, Lifeng and Zhechong to attack the black iron star field in an attempt to completely destroy the phoenix outrageous forces in the rear area.
In the same month, he allocated 30 million martial arts soldiers and 20 million martial arts soldiers to order the Monty Palace to levy another celestial star.
The news came out that the Tianguang Temple was nervous and the enemy was nervous.
This time, the sword soldiers in the Monty Palace are not only vigorous, but also have the commander-in-chief of the three masters and one magic division in the Monty Palace.

Looking at it again, it was still the haunted figure, and then I exclaimed, "Master!"

"Ha ha! Don’t be ill, Dudu! "
Yu Guihai ha ha a smile
"master! It’s really you Haha, it’s really that you want to die. You don’t know that you don’t want to look forward to seeing your master all day since you know that your master is a tea without thinking about food. "Wen Tai was ecstatic.
"Are you afraid that I’m not worried that I’m dead?" Yu Guihai laughed.
"dare not absolutely dare not" wentai hurriedly way
At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside, "Wen Taidu, who are you talking to?"
Wen Tai all smell speech face a change quickly whispered, "Master, please avoid this person and I don’t deal with him. If he sees you, it will be difficult to disturb the spirit statue."
Wen Tai said that he opened the abode of fairies and immortals and let Yu return to the sea.
"No need!" Yu Guihai motionless light said
"Not the master" Wen Tai’s face was anxious and he wanted to say anything, but he saw a three-eyed man come in.
"Wen tai all you yi? Who is this person? "
Third-eye clan male asked surprisedly at the sight of Yu Guihai.
"This is my friend Wen Shixin. What are you doing here?" Wen tai didn’t good the spirit said
"Ha ha friend, I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before?" Wenshixin pondered with a smile, and his old rivals immediately noticed that Wentai was a little nervous.
What are you nervous about?
There must be something wrong with this man. Is he a wanted man?
Wen Shixin looked at Yu Guihai carefully, trying to find any clues. Unfortunately, this person can’t see through the details in his opinion.
But the more so, the more he suspects that there is a problem.
"You come with me and explain the origin, otherwise don’t blame me." Wen Shixin’s eyes narrowed and cold.
"Wen Shixin, you want to die!"
Wen Tai’s eyes are burning. How dare this man insult his master? It’s a deadly revenge!
He roared all over and Daoyuan encouraged him to take out Lingbao.
"What are you doing?"
Wenshixin got a fright. I didn’t expect this guy to have such a big reaction.
But his heart more doubt.
"Hum! How dare you try to attack your kin? I’ll report it to Lingzun and see you as an account! " He made a cruel remark and left.
"Where to go!"
Wen Tai was in a hurry, and Lingbao’s double fork flashed a streamer towards Wen Shixin’s blaster.
Wen Shixin quickly urged a bronze stick to block him and shouted, "Wen Taidu, you really dare to start work. This time, Ling Zun will never spare you. Just wait to go to the law enforcement hall to be punished!"
"Go to hell!"
Wen Tai’s eyes are latosolic red and constantly bombarding Wen Shixin.
He’s already throwing caution to the wind. Anyway, he’s going to disturb Ling Zun’s own master. There’s no guarantee that he will die with him, so it’s better to kill this fellow first.
It never occurred to him that his master was not afraid of the spirit statue.
Ling Zun is a strong master in the realm of enlightenment. Even if the wizards have been hiding in the spiritual world for years, I’m afraid they won’t be able to raise much.
He wants to solve Wen Shixin, but Wen Shixin is not simple and stronger than him. Although he suffered a little loss, he quickly regained the situation and suppressed Wen Tai.
"all right! Stop it, Wentai. You’ve been slacking off over the years, and you haven’t risen much. It will embarrass me if you say it out. "Yu Guihai suddenly said softly.
Wen Tai was forced to press his heart, unwilling to force him to retreat. Wen Shixin retreated back, frustrated and said, "It’s a disappointment to the master."
"Master? Who the hell is Wen Taidu? You are willing to be a slave! "
Wen Shi’s face turned big and he asked.
"Ha ha, you’d better stop talking. The Lord is coming soon."
Yu Guihai ha ha a smile.