
1. **消食健脾**:小麦茶中的成分能够帮助消化,促进食物的吸收,对于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振等问题有改善作用。

2. **消积食**:对于饮食过量导致的积食问题,小麦茶有很好的缓解作用。

3. **平胃止渴**:小麦茶能够平衡胃部功能,对于胃热引起的口渴有缓解效果。

4. **消暑除热**:在夏季,冷饮小麦茶可以有效帮助降温,解除暑热。

5. **益气固表**:小麦茶可以增强身体的抵抗力,对一些体虚的人有补益作用。

6. **美容养颜**:小麦茶含有多种微量元素、氨基酸、维生素和不饱和脂肪酸,这些成分有助于改善皮肤状态,从而达到美容养颜的效果。

7. **瘦身减肥**:长期饮用小麦茶有助于减肥,这与它促进消化、消脂的作用有关。

8. **养胃暖胃**:热饮小麦茶可以温暖胃部,对于胃寒、胃痛有缓解作用。

9. **解腻**:食用油腻食物后,饮用小麦茶可以缓解油腻感。


10. **抗衰老、抗抑郁**:小麦茶中的抗氧化物质有助于抗衰老,同时也有助于缓解抑郁情绪。

11. **调节肠胃功能**:小麦茶中的纤维素有助于促进肠胃蠕动,改善便秘。

12. **抗癌作用**:小麦茶中的抗氧化物质有助于排出体内毒素,预防结肠癌和乳腺癌等癌症。

13. **养心安神**:小麦茶性味甘、凉,有助于改善心神不宁、失眠多梦等症状。

14. **提高心肌功能**:小麦茶中的营养物质有助于提高心肌收缩力和功能。



1. **治疗感冒和缓解不适**:生姜具有发汗解表的作用,对于风寒感冒和淋雨后出现的畏寒发热症状有很好的缓解效果。红糖则能补充能量,有助于身体恢复。

2. **健脾胃,暖胃**:生姜可以促进胃黏膜分泌消化液,帮助食物消化,同时具有中和胃酸的作用,保护胃黏膜。红糖则有助于健脾胃,增强食欲。


3. **补血活血**:红糖具有促进血红细胞分裂的作用,可以保证体内血液质量。生姜红糖水对于女性来说,有助于缓解宫寒,改善月经不适。

4. **促进产后恢复**:孕妇产后失血多,喝红糖水可以补充能量,增加血容量,有利于产后体力的恢复。同时,红糖水还能促进子宫收缩、恶露排出和乳汁分泌。

5. **美容养颜**:生姜和红糖都有一定的美容养颜效果。生姜可以帮助排出体内毒素,改善皮肤状况;红糖则有助于补血,使肤色红润。

6. **缓解痛经**:对于女性来说,生姜红糖水可以有效缓解痛经,因为它能驱寒暖胃,活络气血。

7. **抗氧化和抑制肿瘤**:生姜中的姜辣素和二苯基庚烷类化合物具有抗氧化作用,可以清除自由基,抑制肿瘤。

8. **杀菌解毒**:生姜中的某些物质具有抗菌素的作用,可以有效防止食物中毒和急性胃肠炎。

9. **提神醒脑**:生姜含有的挥发油可以刺激神经系统,使人精神振奋,提高工作效率。

10. **促进新陈代谢**:生姜可以加速人体新陈代谢,有助于减轻压力,延缓衰老。



1. **清肝明目**:草决明性味甘、苦、咸,微寒,归肝、大肠经。它具有清肝明目的功效,适用于治疗眼干涩、眼赤痛、目赤肿痛、目黯不明等症状。现代研究也表明,决明子中含有的多种成分对视神经有良好的保护作用,对预防近视、远视等眼病有积极作用。

2. **清热生津**:草决明味苦、甘、咸,能够清热生津,适用于治疗热感冒、咽喉热痛等症状。与桑叶、竹叶、薄荷、菊花等药材搭配,可以预防热伤风、感冒等。

3. **润肠通便**:草决明中含有大黄素、大黄酚等成分,具有润肠通便的功效,适用于治疗肠燥便秘、大便秘结等症状。

4. **降脂、降压**:现代药理研究表明,草决明具有降血脂、降血压的作用,对于治疗高血压、高血脂、脂肪肝等疾病有较好的疗效。

5. **止头痛**:草决明可以与菊花、钩藤、生牡蛎等药材配伍,用于治疗因肝阳上亢导致的头晕、头痛、眩晕等症状。

6. **抗炎、抗菌**:草决明对金黄色葡萄球菌、白喉杆菌、大肠杆菌等细菌及皮肤真菌等具有一定的抑制作用。

7. **调节免疫功能**:草决明具有一定的调节人体免疫功能的作用。


– 草决明性味微寒,脾胃虚寒、脾虚泄泻及低血压等患者应慎用。


– 草决明虽然具有一定的药用价值,但不应过量使用,适量饮用即可。
– 在使用草决明治疗疾病时,最好在专业医生的指导下进行。


### 玉竹图文展示

玉竹,学名Polygonatum sibiricum,属于百合科植物,是一种常见的中药材。以下是玉竹的图文展示:

![玉竹](https://example.com/yuzhu.jpg) *(图片展示玉竹的干燥根茎,通常呈长条状,表面淡黄色至黄棕色,有节,质地柔软,略带甜味。)*

### 玉竹的药用价值


### 玉竹图文展示

1. **滋阴润肺**:玉竹能滋养肺阴,适用于肺阴虚引起的干咳少痰、咽干口渴等症状。

2. **生津止渴**:对于热病后津液耗伤、口干舌燥、食欲不振等症有良好的治疗效果。

3. **养胃阴,清胃热**:玉竹能养胃阴,对于胃阴不足、口干舌燥、食欲不振等症有调理作用。

4. **抗衰老**:玉竹中的多糖、维生素A和烟酸等成分能增强人体抗病能力,延缓衰老。

5. **强心作用**:玉竹含有的强心苷、生物碱和维生素A类物质具有改善心肌缺氧和肾上腺皮质激素样作用。

6. **改善心血管疾病**:玉竹对心血管疾病,如风湿性心脏病、冠状动脉硬化性心脏病等有一定的辅助治疗作用。

7. **抗炎镇痛**:玉竹具有抗炎镇痛的作用,对关节炎、痛风等疾病有一定的缓解作用。

8. **美容护肤**:玉竹中的维生素A有助于改善干裂、粗糙的皮肤状况,使皮肤柔软润滑。

9. **调理脾胃**:对于脾胃虚寒、消化不良等症也有一定的调理作用。




1. **补气固表**:黄芪具有显著的补气固表作用,能够增强人体的抵抗力,对于易感冒、气虚体弱的人群有很好的调理效果。

2. **健脾益肺**:党参和黄芪均有健脾益肺的功效,能够改善脾胃功能,增强消化吸收能力,同时对于呼吸系统疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

3. **生津养血**:党参和黄芪还能生津养血,对于血虚引起的头晕、乏力、面色苍白等症状有改善作用。

4. **增强免疫力**:党参黄芪水可以增强机体免疫力,有助于抵抗疾病,对于亚健康状态的人群尤其有益。

5. **改善心血管功能**:黄芪具有扩张血管、降低血压的作用,对于心血管疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **调节血糖**:党参黄芪水对于气阴两虚型糖尿病有一定的辅助治疗作用,能够改善多饮、多尿、乏力等症状。

7. **促进消化**:党参黄芪水有助于改善消化系统的功能,对于消化不良、食欲不振等有辅助治疗作用。


8. **改善睡眠**:党参黄芪水对于血虚引起的失眠、多梦等睡眠问题有一定的改善作用。

9. **辅助治疗妇科疾病**:党参黄芪水对于气血不足所导致的月经不调、经血量少色淡、闭经痛经等妇科疾病有一定的疗效。

10. **辅助治疗皮肤病**:党参黄芪水对于气血不足导致的皮肤问题,如皮肤干燥、瘙痒等,也有一定的改善作用。


– 湿热体质、阴虚火旺者。
– 热毒、发热者。
– 孕妇和月经期女性。
– 感冒患者。
– 对黄芪或党参过敏者。


The name said, "Since Wang Yue, you choose to deal with the broken waves, you should give it to the old man. Although the sword is an evil sword, it is really called the king of Wan Jian. I don’t know if the old man’s heroic sword can be stopped by Wan Jian’s return to the motherland." But Wang Yue, don’t worry about it as long as you are old, and you won’t let the resolute and broken waves join hands. "

Ming Xiu also reached the realm of ghosts and gods. In the late period, Wan Jian’s return to the motherland was more powerful than in his hands
However, in the face of Wang Yue, fame is still not sure to win. Now it seems unfathomable to give fame to Wang Yue.
Actually, I don’t know Wang Yue’s kendo realm has reached another higher level.
Wang Yue nodded, "Well, if we can’t join hands with each other, then I have confidence that we will come alive. Let’s split up in Luo Xianhuai Jianchen, so we shouldn’t take part in your repair. It’s still too weak."
After everyone dispersed, Wang Yuecai said, "Tianmen is so powerful that breaking waves and resolute actions are really vigorous and resolute for us, so we have no reaction. By the time we got the news, breaking waves and resolute actions have occupied half of China."
Later, Wang Yue and Mingdu believed that after Duanlang swallowed Longyuan, they would kill themselves, but Duanlang did not do so, but occupied the sky and destroyed many sects.
Wang Yue and Mingdu broke the waves in vain, which forced them to find him.
After all, in the late stage of the supernatural-evil realm, the strong wanted to escape. Even if the waves were broken and the supernatural-evil realm was at its peak, the strong couldn’t stop it from killing everywhere and wouldn’t let Wang Yue take the initiative to send them to the door.
The next day, Tianwang Yue took Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun to stop the waves, but he went to the resolute place alone.
Wang Yuefei said to Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun in the middle, "Don’t start work after you two see the broken waves. Let me try the depth of the broken waves first. The broken waves are too strong. We don’t have any victory. I hope you will leave at once. I will stop him. If he doesn’t have overwhelming power, you will jointly exert the’ Mochow’ attack."
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun’s most powerful move is the "Moke Volume", which I hope will cause some trouble for breaking the waves.
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun nodded, "We know."
After flying for half an hour, Wang Yue felt the breath of breaking waves.
"Here we are," said Wang Yue lightly. "The broken wave breath is just around the corner. I didn’t expect that the broken wave absorbed two dragons, and the breath turned into a pretty beast, but the momentum was really amazing."
Although breaking the waves, the peak state of the ghost land is not cultivated by the real thing, the peak strength of the ghost land is the peak strength of the ghost land, and the root is not Wang Yue’s martial arts cultivation.
The powerful and fierce breath of breaking the waves made Wang Yue have a lingering fear.
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun looked at each other with dignity, and they never thought that breaking waves was so strong at this level.
"Wang Yue, Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, you are finally here." The sound of breaking waves suddenly sounded in the middle.
Wang Yue can feel the breath of breaking the waves, and he can also perceive their spirit.
A light gray light flashed across the broken waves and appeared in the middle, suspended in front of Wang Yue 100 meters away from Wang Yue, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun.
Wang Yue smiled and said, "Don’t you just want us to send the door if you swallow Long Yuan and don’t kill us? Why are you unhappy that we are here? "
Broken waves eyes flashing scarlet light smiled and said, "Happy seat, of course, I’m glad you can come, but it saves me a lot of things. I have to look for you everywhere. Wang Yue, let’s fight it out today. If you dare to escape, I’ll go to Shuangcheng to kill a chicken and a dog …"
Wang Yue’s speed is no slower than breaking the waves. Before breaking the waves, Wang Yue can’t escape, otherwise the power of breaking the waves will be no stronger.
Broken waves in the heart andao didn’t expect Wang Yue, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun to come so soon. If I had known, I wouldn’t have let the determination to destroy the Takeshi, but my side will soon be here in a battle.
We are determined to join hands with the broken waves and have the confidence to kill Wang Yue, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun in one fell swoop.
Breaking the waves doesn’t know that Ming has gone to stop it.
The cold mountain in Wang Yue’s eyes passed by and said, "Don’t worry, since I’m here, I won’t run away. I also want to see how powerful you are at the peak of this magical realm."
Break the waves and laugh. "Good Wang Yue, then you will be like a hero and a gentleman. You can die at the peak of the supernatural realm today, and the strength of the strong will be considered a fair death!"
The power of the broken wave body increased sharply and turned into a dragon-shaped phantom to kill Wang Yue.
Wang Yue felt as if a wild and fierce beast had rushed at him, and the pressure accumulated in his heart.
"God armor first!" Wang Yue drank a lot, and his armor was condensed by blood-red congenital gang gas, and there was a light blue light flashing.
The wave-breaking hand turned into a beast’s paw, and Wang Yue punched it and collided with the beast’s paw.
The whole day was dark, and then there was a strong light, violent energy, and the aftermath was so powerful that even Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun had to resist it.
Wang Yue was hit three miles away, and the gas condensed into a glove crack.
Wang Yue’s heart is horrified that the strength of the peak fighters in the supernatural realm is too strong, and the power of breaking waves is less than three times that of Wang Yue.
Just now, if it weren’t for unloading the breaking wave attack force, Wang Yue would have been seriously injured.
Breaking the waves but still staring at Wang Yue laughed. "Wang Yue, even if you are strong, it is not a rival year. Today is the anniversary of your death. Go to hell."
Breaking the waves is crazy again.
Wang Yue’s eyes were ablaze with white. "Really? Then come again. "

Fu Xia Liang said, "That time, I sent her to the teacher elder sister with a clear spirit."

Is she asking if there is such an ancient method of immortality and Qin?
It is said that in those days, the Xianqin Empire enjoyed excellent food and drink, and there were many secret recipes everywhere.
It’s a pity that many ancient secret recipes were lost after the collapse of Xianqin, but many ancient secret recipes should be kept in the remains of Xianqin in Baiqi City. "
Zhang Yue said, "There is no problem with this. I have arranged for the city commander to accept that he knows this like the back of his hand."
Super sacred law! "
The ultra-sacred method belongs to some core towns in the transcendental Daoism, and the secret methods are similar to those in Taidao, which are too clean and too refined. These can be cultivated into great magical powers, and the cultivation to Mahayana realm is the celestial realm.
It seems very powerful to hear this method.
"Kiyomi’s wrong light hole can be practiced. Kiyomi can’t break his eyes, and his eyes are as golden as gold. He can track the past and check the future …
The magical powers can be born, such as seeing the gods by mistake, looking at thousands of miles at night, Kiyomi not hurting, yellow sand not falling, extremely pleasing to the sky, everything being empty, the eye of the sky and the eye of the holy eye not dying, etc.
Finally, it has the eye to explore the heavens and analyze everything! "
Yang Xiu was dumbfounded and said, "That’s amazing!"
It was a super-sacred method, and so many magical powers could be born.
Fu Xialiang continued, "This spell is also a secret in Zun Tianmu Sect, and it is not practiced casually!"
Zhang Yue asked
"You always say," What do all these deities have? "
He changed the subject!
Fu Xia cool smile and said
"This good explanation and a total of one hundred.
In fact, it is a hundred big forces. "
Zhang Yue nodded and continued to ask, "Mrs. B is the so-called Nine Tais?
And you said monty? "
Fu Xia cool didn’t answer directly but said
"One mountain, two immortals, three suns, four gases, five ghosts."
Six tyrants are heartless, seven witches are evil, and nine temples and ten buddhas are evil.
Twelve swords break nineteen roads, Gankun rolls back twenty-two demons.
One hundred statues show a hundred side doors and three thousand countries. "
Chapter one hundred and sixty-four One mountain, two immortals, three yang, four gas and five ghosts come
Hearing this, Yang Xiu frowned and learned that "kill two immortals in one mountain …"
Fu Xialiang said

Gently force it to smash the insides of the conference semifinals and die on the spot.

Those conference semifinals are all his companions. In this business, conference semifinals have been doing wrong things for a long time, but they didn’t expect that they would die just after hitting their companions lightly, and naturally they wouldn’t let it go.
Some people even think that it’s really dead. When the time comes, one person can’t help being more active without sharing money.
After all, it is even more impossible for the young people who have killed the Chinese people to deny seeing each other’s ornaments. It must be a fat sheep.
Chapter one hundred and thirteen Seven nights
Chinese youth look cold ao eyes staring at those who came around the conference semifinals.
Every conference semifinal was stared at by his eyes as if he had fallen into a cold ice cave, and he wanted to continue cursing, but he dared not spit out a word.
Not only the conference semifinals but also the ordinary people who came to join in the fun can feel all the temperament of Chinese youth.
These conference semifinals tremble as if they had provoked the wrong people.
The Chinese youth said with a very indifferent tone, "Do you still want to ask us for compensation?"
His voice is as cold as a piece of ice and iron, and his indifferent and indifferent taste makes people tremble.
"No … dare not"
These conference semifinals were shivering with fear from his power.
The Chinese youth withdrew their momentum, although it was still cold, but there was no such thing as death.
Several conference semifinals are holding each other and preparing to flee.
At this time, the Chinese youth hung a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, holding down the waist sword like a fleeting glimpse. This group of conference semifinals rarely screamed, and a head was thrown high and fell into the crowd, attracting several screams.
Murder in the downtown area
This is a hundred times more sensational than just killing someone by a young horse in China.
No matter how dare you join in the fun, everyone will run clean.
The people in the imperial capital live comfortably and have seen such a bloody situation.
Next to the restaurant and teahouse, the whole street suddenly became quiet.
There is only one man and one horse left in the silent strip.
No, suddenly, this magical horse made a loud noise than the horse, and the nose and nostrils rushed to the ground with white gas, and then dispersed, and a huge figure was reflected in his eyes.
He is not tall, but he is a little taller than a horse. He is not strong in the street, but he is like a lofty mountain.
The breeze blows his clothes and floats with it to this towering mountain, but he can’t say how proud he is.
"My name is Seven Nights, Chinese Valentine’s Day and Seven Nights."
"It seems that this is not the place to talk."
Seven nights nodded to still in the strip, and two people shook their bodies and reached a high platform.
Surrounded by a circular palace wall, you can see a large fantastic and magnificent building complex in the distance, which is the imperial city.
This is the Tai Jing Temple of Heaven, a high platform for worshipping heaven with a circumference of 365 feet and a height of 3 feet.
Entrenched in the imperial city, the dragon head is right here
The two of them can see that the dragon, who is almost alive, must be divided into dragon eyes and angry eyes, and the scales are shining, dignified and deep.
Li Zhichang’s hands are full of casual charm.
The more leisurely he spent seven nights, the more prepared he became.
Man and horse unite to form a whole.
The black horse now looks more like a black dragon’s snow-white hoof giving birth to clouds.
One man and one horse slowly live in virtual space, which violates the inherent gravity of the earth

Before, because Xinhui fled, a large number of officials in the suspected duty crime area did not choose to run away. Because Xinhui had not been arrested, there was no evidence to deal with them, and they wanted to sneak away voluntarily with a guilty conscience, which actually confirmed the fact of their own corruption and duty crime. If the police headquarters had already stared at them at this time, this run would definitely hit the gun.

All these people are crustily skin of head waiting for the results in Sichuan government. They want the district to communicate the important cases and end them with Xinhui. These people will not have an accident, but they didn’t expect Xinhui to be caught by the old cat in Xinyang.
What’s more interesting is that Xinhui made a special message to them a few days before he was arrested. The task force of the Sichuan Provincial Police General Administration has been withdrawn, which makes many people feel that it’s all right and relaxed their vigilance.
The Military and Political Investigation Bureau is a department in Wu Di that has been set up in just a few days. Almost all the officers in charge of the operation are from Wu’s military intelligence system and many young people are in charge.
This department is a newly established member and the root of Wu Di’s own team. It may be that most people in Sichuan Province don’t know that there is such a unit with such a group of people.
In this way, the cleaning operation becomes twice the result with half the effort.
More than one o’clock in the morning
A large number of officers of the Military and Political Investigation Bureau rushed into the private houses of more than a dozen single-family cadres in the family courtyard of the Supreme Court of Chongdu Chuanfu.
"Knock, knock!"
A knock at the door resounded at the home of the second criminal trial court and the president of the Supreme Court of Sichuan Province.
After a while, a woman in a coat and pajamas knocked on the door and asked, "Hello, who are you looking for?"
"Is Li Jiatao there?"
"Yes," the woman nodded. "What are you doing?"
"We are agents of the Sichuan Military and Political Investigation Bureau." A young man took out a temporary certificate and frowned and asked, "What are you doing?"
"I’m aunt Jia-tao li here to take care of their family." The woman replied with a slightly flustered look.
When the young man heard this, his heart suddenly turned white. This person should be Jia Tao’s nanny.
Sichuan government has personal life requirements for a certain level of public officials. Cadres with the director level under 55 years old cannot hire nanny drivers unless there are special circumstances. This regulation seems a bit unreasonable because the salary of Sichuan government is not low, and many officials can afford these expenses after their income.
However, there is no way to implement this kind of regulation, because this era is full of pains. The Sichuan government has been fighting for a few years ago, and the people have been affected a lot, and the grassroots soldiers have sacrificed one by one. If your political officials are too superior in their personal lives, what do you want the ordinary class to think? And if the government doesn’t stop the cultivation of the superiority of this kind of official’s personal life, the extravagant wind may become more and more fierce. By then, the elite of Sichuan Province may be abandoned in the gentle village before the country has settled down.
Of course, this kind of regulation does not restrict retired officials, pregnant women and so on, but also pays the unit to help you solve this part of the general regulation, which is very detailed and humanized
This is Lao Li’s ability. He not only has an extraordinary vision in the overall situation, but also takes a very serious attitude in this very detailed matter. He is very strict about the issue of the wind.
But everything has policies and countermeasures. Jia-tao li is definitely older than the director according to the level, but he is not old enough. However, there are three employees in his family, two life nannies, a wife who serves children’s nannies and does nothing all day, and these three people claim to be his relatives.
Jia-tao li came from the building with a puzzled face and asked the agent, "What department is the Military and Political Investigation Bureau?"
"The department that specializes in cadres who violate discipline is directly managed by the Sichuan government." The leader guy took out handcuffs and said succinctly, "President Jia-tao li, you are now officially called according to law, and all your communication equipment will be supervised from now on."
Jia-tao li is wrinkly to knit the brows, turn head to blunt just floor wife said "don’t worry, will be back in a couple of days"
"Nothing?" The young man sneered and said, "You’d better take your life with you. You won’t be able to go home for at least ten years."
Jia-tao li heard this completely silent.
same evening
At present, there are less than 20 core officials in police stations of Sichuan Provincial People’s Procuratorate, Sichuan Provincial People’s Procuratorate and Supreme Court, among which about two-thirds are district cadres.
Xinhui sales officer is definitely not a person who can do it. He is from the court. If you want to arrange people in the police department, you must find the competent personnel leader in the police department. Trading at this dirty trading table is very complicated and involves a wide range.
The old cat walked on two legs. He stared at Xinhui himself, but he also didn’t let Ding Guozhen and Fu Xiaohao idle. Both of them smoothed the Xinhui line and locked many people. Finally, he handed the information to Wu Di.
As soon as Xinyang closes the net, it beats flies and tigers here.
In just two or three hours, thirty or forty cars stopped in front of the military and political investigation bureau.
Qin Yu lives in the political center of Chongdu, and his home is very close to Wu Di’s case-handling place. At this moment, it is past three o’clock in the morning. Qin Yu did not sleep, but looked out from the cold courtyard by smoothing the wall.
Cha Meng accompanied him and said softly, "Don’t look."
Qin Yu smoked without saying anything.
Cha Meng is the one who has been with Qin Yu for the longest time except Lin Nianlei. He knows very well what the latter thinks.
They were relatively silent for a while, and Cha Meng said in a low voice, "Well, I believe my old brother won’t interfere with this kind of thing, and they don’t bother to participate."
In a word, Qin Yu was worried.
He was really afraid to see at the gate of the Wu Di Military and Political Investigation Bureau the familiar figures who had followed their lives …
Chapter 2319 How to deal with it?
At four o’clock in the morning, Bao Jun was inviting five military personnel to dinner in a small restaurant.
The dishes on the table have been cold, but the wine bottle has lost three bottles of high-grade liquor per catty, which has been killed by everyone.
When eating and drinking, everyone didn’t talk much, and it was very silent until the end of the meal. A man in his thirties put his arm around Bao Jun’s neck and said, "Brother, you said … everyone in other regions has an ideal and believes in something, but what do we have?" Is it the commander-in-chief Qin who did this to the people of Sichuan or the feelings of our brothers? "
Baojun turned to look at his words and said flatly, "Just two words."
"Soldiers!" Bao Jun looked at him with a red face. "If you wear a military uniform and get a military rank, you will be able to fight at the call."
A man in his thirties pondered this for a long time. "Yes, we didn’t lie on the ground at the beginning. We are soldiers."
"When I was with my second brother, my face was too long and I couldn’t go very well, otherwise I would take people to town." Baojun drank the last bit of white wine and looked out of the window stupefied and said, "The details of our Sichuan government can’t compare with those of other regions. Military personnel are all educated in ideology and trained in unification, and both loyalty and personal quality are better than ours. I’m a new young man, so I don’t trust him. Do you understand what I mean?"
During the tiancheng period, Lao Yan was mixed with Bao Jun and others, and they had deep feelings for each other and knew each other’s minds very well.
Old Yan was silent for a long time and immediately raised his glass and said, "Find a soldier for a thousand days! Drink the wine in the cup and let’s go. "
Say that finish in addition to the treasure army, all the people raised their glasses and drank them off.
Ten minutes later, five people left the hotel, and Chen Mi arranged for the car to leave Jiangzhou in the snow.
Baojun watched the crowd go away and his eyes were red.
He is not a bloody teenager hanging out on the ground for a living, but a military officer. This identity change needs to be adapted, but fortunately, Ma Lao’s second-hand people have adapted for a long time. Since Songjiang War, they have officially completed the role transformation in their hearts.
It was more than five o’clock the next morning
Lin Nianlei’s old cat and others returned to Chuanfu, and the former directly went home to rest, while the latter rushed to the police headquarters to prepare for the trial of Xinhui.

Autumn spring tripod with two people into the stone hall with a wave of his hand stone hall center ground Guanghua a flash to reveal a hole.

Three people entered the cave and soon came to a cave.
The cave is full of all kinds of flashes, and the array emits terrorist fluctuations. At the center of the cave is an ancient stone platform.
Not far from the stone stage, there sat an old man with a tough breath. When they saw Qiu Quanding, the color changed one after another.
One of them asked, "Shang Yinmeng? ! Brother Qiu, why did you bring them here? Who is this? "
"Ha ha, two younger brothers, don’t be impatient. I’ll introduce you to Brother Shang. Needless to say, you all know this is the ancestor of Yunmiao Mountain!"
Qiu Quanding smiled and walked and said a few steps when he came to the stone platform nearby.
"What? Ghost ancestor? " Two old men face big change to Yu Guihai eyes show deep vigilance.
This strong man, of course, knows that he came from another plane and defeated the five immortals after killing the big fiend. Not long before the siege, he married his brother, the peerless genius of the mountain, and the engagement of the holy king in the hot month.
Such a strong man came here, not only without the slightest honor, but also with deep vigilance and anger.
What is this place? This is the Mengen base in silver moon. No one has ever been in the future except Zongtian Chamber of Commerce.
Is Qiu Quanding bringing this person here for a reason?
Thought of here, they looked at Xiang Qiu Quanding in succession, and their eyes were unbelievable.
"Brother Qiu, what are you doing?" One of the old man asked sullenly.
"I want to lead us to strengthen the silver moon Gate. I hope the two younger brothers can understand." Qiu Quanding smiled and handed Yu Guihai a hand. "Master, please do it."
"Autumn Springs Ding You" The two old men were surprised and angry, and they were all moving towards the body pattern.
Around the array, there was a flash of light, and a strong breath rose, but soon the breath declined and the array light went out with it.
"Autumn Spring Ding!" The two men looked at Xiang Qiu Quanding with their eyes cracked.
Qiu Quanding’s face smiled faintly, and his feet were covered with ripples, which controlled the surrounding array.
The two elders were about to do it themselves when they moved, but suddenly a terrible threat fell from the sky with a mysterious and powerful fluctuation.
The two gods were actually blocked, and there was no way to move.
Just when two people were surprised and angry, they saw Yu Guihai waving a series of mysterious runes to grottoes and suddenly screaming.
After a long time, I returned to the sea in front of the stone platform in the center of the cave
Autumn spring tripod with two people around a few people behind him is apprehension two silver moon door fit period old man they have been accepted!
There is a pit in the stone platform. The pit is a kind of gray rough surface. A thin silver liquid is flowing at the bottom of the pit. It looks like mercury, but it shines more like a misty moonlight than mercury.
Chapter 716 Sage, please master to kill virtual.
Yu Guihai felt the metallic breath of silver this month immediately after a little exploration. This property is generally metallic and unusual. Metal is good at fighting sharp pairs, always with a cold breath.
However, this kind of metallicity is very peaceful, not only without sharp edge, but also as moist as water.
However, it is extremely metallic, which is just right for him, but there may be something missing here.
Yu Guihai looked up at the pit, and the top of the hill was covered with dense holes, through which the sky outside could be seen.
"Master, this is the moonlight falling channel. Moonlight is projected from these holes and falls on the pits, which will produce the name of the moon. This is where it comes from." Qiu Quanding introduced beside him.
"Well, it’s really mysterious!" Yu Guihai nodded and praised, then pointed to the bank of China in the pit month and said, "Do you have any less bank of China these months?"
"This report to my master is gone now. I don’t want to deceive my master. The Bank of China has been a commodity for nearly a thousand years these months, and it hasn’t been given to the Chamber of Commerce, otherwise most of it will be removed." Qiu Quanding quickly replied.
"Well, I took it all first! What do you want to remember later? " Yu Guihai nodded and asked
With a wave of his hand, he cleaned the pit every month, and he put it in a jade bottle with about half a bottle.
"Thank you, master. I’m welcome. I have been practicing for many years, but I can’t push my luck. It’s because when I broke through the fit period, the Yuan Shen Yuan tire failed to completely merge, leaving a regret. If there is no chance, I’m afraid I will stop here."
"But later I learned by accident that if there is a strong road to help, I can cure my shortcomings and I want to ask my master to help me." Qiu Quanding said excitedly
"It’s simple and you relax" Yu Guihai ordered.
Qiu Quanding did it at once. He didn’t hesitate to say anything. His life is in the hands of others. What is there to hesitate about?
Even if he is to die, he will really go.
Uh, get on your knees and beg for mercy right now!
Yu Guihai saw that he was ready to give directions.
A mysterious wave instantly rushes into the autumn spring tripod and reaches the purple mansion.