
1. **补血活血**:当归是著名的补血药材,可以促进血液循环,增强血红蛋白的生成,对于血虚引起的面色苍白、头晕目眩等症有显著改善作用。

2. **调经止痛**:当归对于月经不调、痛经、闭经等妇科疾病有很好的调理作用,能够缓解经期疼痛,恢复月经的正常。

3. **润肠通便**:当归有润肠作用,对于便秘有一定的缓解效果,有助于改善肠道功能。

4. **消炎杀菌**:当归中含有多种天然消炎成分,如本内酯和正西烯内酯等,能够消除人体内的炎症,对气管炎、支气管哮喘等呼吸系统疾病有预防和缓解作用。

5. **增强抗病能力**:当归中的阿魏酸钠和当归多糖能提高人体吞噬细胞的活性,增强吞噬能力,从而提高人体免疫功能。

6. **预防血栓**:当归对于心血管有保护作用,能够预防高血压和高血脂,降低血栓形成的风险。


7. **美容养颜**:当归能促进血液循环,改善肤色,使肌肤更加光滑细腻,对于防治面部干燥、脱屑、瘙痒等皮肤问题有良好效果。

8. **抗衰老**:当归含有多种氨基酸和微量元素,有助于增强人体新陈代谢和内分泌功能,对延缓衰老有一定的食疗作用。

9. **治疗其他疾病**:当归还能用于治疗虚寒腹痛、痿痹、肌肤麻木、痈疽疮疡、跌仆损伤等多种疾病。



1. **清热解毒**:大青叶具有清热解毒的功效,适用于治疗因热毒引起的病症,如咽喉肿痛、口舌生疮、疮痈肿毒等。

2. **凉血消斑**:对于热毒发斑、丹毒等症状,大青叶能够起到凉血消斑的作用。

3. **治疗流行性乙型脑炎**:大青叶在临床上常用于治疗流行性乙型脑炎,既可以单味使用进行预防,也可以与其他药材如柴胡、银花、连翘、板蓝根、玄参、生地等配合使用,以清解气分、营分的热毒。

4. **辅助治疗其他疾病**:大青叶还常用于治疗流行性感冒、流行性腮腺炎、病毒性肝炎等疾病,能够清热解毒、凉血利咽。

5. **外用治疗**:大青叶的外用方法包括捣烂敷患处或捣汁内服,对于某些皮肤病症有一定的治疗效果。


6. **药材来源多样**:大青叶的植物来源包括爵床科植物马蓝、十字花科植物菘蓝及大青、蓼科植物蓼蓝、豆科植物木蓝等,均能作为大青叶使用。

7. **制药原料**:大青叶不仅是药用,其干燥叶还可作为制青黛的原料,而木蓝的根则用作板蓝根。





1. **观赏价值**:蟹爪兰花朵色彩丰富,有淡紫、黄、红、纯白、粉红、橙和双色等,花朵形态独特,如同蟹爪,极具观赏性。它不仅可以美化家居环境,还能给人们带来愉悦的心情。

2. **净化空气**:蟹爪兰能够吸收室内的二氧化碳,在夜间释放氧气,有助于改善室内空气质量,对人体健康有益。


3. **药用价值**:蟹爪兰在传统中医中具有一定的药用价值,其茎叶可入药,具有解毒消肿的功效,可用于治疗疮疡肿毒、腮腺炎等症状。

4. **家居装饰**:蟹爪兰无论作为盆栽还是吊盆,都非常适合装饰家居环境,特别是在窗台、门庭入口处或展览大厅,都能为室内增添生机和美感。

5. **心理调适**:蟹爪兰的美丽花朵能够缓解人们的压力,带来宁静和放松的感觉,有助于缓解城市生活的喧嚣和紧张。

6. **经济价值**:蟹爪兰作为商品花卉,市场需求量大,具有良好的经济价值,适合作为节日装饰用花,如元旦、春节等。




1. **调节血糖**:蜂蜜可以增强胰岛素的敏感性,对控制糖尿病及其并发症具有潜在功效。一些研究表明,蜂蜜具有“降糖作用”,可视作新的口服降血糖药。


2. **增强免疫力**:蜂蜜含有丰富的天然糖分、矿物质、维生素和抗氧化剂等成分,可以有效提高人体免疫力,抵抗疾病侵袭。

3. **促进伤口愈合**:蜂蜜具有抗菌特性和促进伤口愈合的能力,某些类型的蜂蜜,如医用级蜂蜜,被用于伤口处理。

4. **改善心血管健康**:蜂蜜中的抗氧化剂和矿物质对心血管具有保护作用,长期饮用蜂蜜水有助于预防心血管疾病。

5. **改善消化系统**:蜂蜜中的天然纤维和酶类有助于促进肠道蠕动,缓解便秘症状,保持肠道健康。同时,蜂蜜具有很好的抗菌消炎作用,能够保护肠道,抑制有害菌群生长。

6. **改善睡眠质量**:蜂蜜中的天然酵素和氨基酸有助于促进褪黑素的产生,有助于改善睡眠质量,缓解失眠问题。


7. **保护肝脏**:蜂蜜中的生物活性物质有利于肝脏的代谢和解毒功能,有助于改善肝功能,预防肝病的发生。

8. **润肺止咳**:蜂蜜可以润肺、止咳和缓解疼痛,适用于肺燥热咳患者。

9. **改善心肌代谢**:蜂蜜中的葡萄糖能营养心肌和改善心肌的代谢功能,使心血管舒张和改善血液循环。


10. **解酒护肝**:蜂蜜中的果糖可以促进酒精的分解吸收,有利于快速醒酒,并解除饮酒后的头痛感。

11. **抗氧化抗衰老**:蜂蜜中的抗氧化剂,如黄酮、酚类物质等,可以抵抗自由基对人体的损害,从而具有抗衰老作用。

12. **美容养颜**:蜂蜜是天然的保湿剂,能够有效保持皮肤水分,使皮肤更加柔滑、光泽。




1. **清热凉血**:芍药药性苦、微寒,归肝经,具有清热凉血的功效。适用于治疗温病热入营分所致的发斑、吐血、衄血等病症。

2. **散瘀止痛**:芍药能活血散瘀,对于血瘀所致的经闭、痛经、癥瘕积聚等病症有显著疗效。同时,芍药也能缓解跌打损伤、疮痈肿痛等病症引起的疼痛。

3. **养血调经**:芍药味酸,主入肝经,具有养血调经的作用。适用于治疗血虚面色萎黄、眩晕心悸、月经不调、崩漏带下等症状。


4. **敛阴止汗**:芍药具有敛阴止汗的功效,可用于治疗外感风寒、营卫不和所导致的出汗恶风等症状,以及虚劳引起的自汗不止等症。

5. **柔肝止痛**:芍药可以酸敛肝阴,养血柔肝而止痛,适用于治疗血虚肝郁引起的胸肋疼痛等症,以及因脾虚肝旺导致的腹痛泄泻、阴血亏虚、经脉失于濡养而引起的手足挛急疼痛等不适。

6. **平抑肝阳**:芍药可以养血敛阴,平抑肝阳,适用于治疗肝阳上亢所引起的头痛眩晕等症状。

7. **提高免疫力**:现代药理学研究证明,芍药的水煎剂能够增强巨噬细胞的吞噬功能,对急性炎症水肿有明显的抑制作用,对棉球肉芽有抑制增生的作用,可以使处于低下状态的细胞免疫恢复正常。


8. **解痉镇痛**:芍药对醋酸引起的扭体反应有明显的镇痛作用,芍药苷具有较好的解痉作用。

9. **清肝解毒**:芍药具有清肝解毒的作用,对于肝炎、黄疸等病症有明显的辅助治疗作用。

10. **调经养颜**:芍药可以调节月经不调、痛经等女性生理问题,同时含有丰富的抗氧化物质,具有美容养颜的作用。



1. **养血安神**:红枣含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,能够养血安神,对于改善失眠、多梦等症状有一定的帮助。

2. **滋补肝肾**:红枣与枸杞等食材搭配,能够滋补肝肾,对肝肾不足、视力模糊、腰膝酸软等症状有缓解作用。

3. **增强免疫力**:红枣中的营养成分有助于提高人体的免疫力,增强抵抗力,预防疾病。


4. **改善贫血**:红枣具有补血作用,适合贫血患者食用,有助于改善贫血症状。


5. **调节内分泌**:红枣对于调节内分泌系统也有一定的作用,对女性朋友的月经不调、内分泌失调等有辅助治疗作用。


6. **养颜美容**:红枣富含抗氧化物质,能够帮助清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老,对美容养颜有积极作用。

7. **健脾养胃**:红枣与山药、桂圆等食材搭配,能够健脾养胃,对于消化不良、食欲不振等有改善作用。

8. **抗衰老**:红枣中的一些成分具有抗氧化的作用,有助于延缓细胞衰老。


"It’s white wine … forget it." Lin Chong pointed to the second object, which is a stick like a baton, which is black, long and thick.

"This is a pressure stick rated to release 400,000 volts. I changed an ampere chip to adjust the peak value to 2 million volts. Of course, its duration was shortened to 30 seconds."
"After the pig demon is drunk and unconscious, you insert this stick into the anus of the pig demon. Remember to finish the insertion. I infer that the organ of the pig demon will not be as tough as the epidermis. The instantaneous flow of 2 million should be able to burn his organs to death or serious injury."
Lin chong picked up a stick and pressed it.
A blue spark flashed from the tip of the stick
Xu Erhu couldn’t help but get a fright, showing his fear and excitement. He trembled his lips and said, "God, god stick!" "
Your talent for naming is amazing … Lin Chong rolled his eyes.
And then the third one.
Lin Chong pointed to the green ceramic knife.
"The sharpness of a ceramic knife is ten times that of an ordinary steel knife, and it should be able to cut the skin of a pig demon, but it is brittle. It is awkward to cut it tangentially and vertically or it will break."
"Cut the skin of the pig demon’s chest and cut out its heart to kill it if it goes well."
"magic knife!" Xu Erhu said with tears in his eyes
I knew it … Did I explain it for nothing? Lin Chong thought while pushing these three things out of the plane wall and into the snow.
"Take it away, remember that Red Star … No fairy wine is required to give the pig demon a magic stick. It must be inserted into the anus, throat or brain of the pig demon to open the last magic knife and dig out the pig demon’s heart."
Xu Erhu plopped down on his knees and threw himself on the ground with his hands folded. "Thank you for giving me fairy wine, magic sticks and magic knives. Xu Jiacun wants to give you a golden body. My whole generation is my son and my grandchildren are you!"
I told you not to kneel and forget it. Let’s go. Lin Chong sat cross-legged on the floor and watched Xu Erhu’s appearance. I couldn’t help but feel a little sad. But remember that getting rid of the demon is risky, and I don’t know if these three things are effective against the pig demon. You have to fight it with death determination.
"It’s nothing to be able to get rid of the pig demon’s life. There is still a tiger, and the incense will not break!" Xu Erhu respectfully put three treasures into the package as he said.
Then Xu Erhu knocked on Lin Chong’s head for three times, kneeling nine times, and got a big hole in the snow.
Ah, Lin Chong sighed. Forget it and don’t advise him.
"If you remember to come and wish me not to pick up some prey for me except the pig demon," said Lin Chong with mirth.
"I’ll show you the pig demon meat!" Xu Erhu got up, tightened the package, turned around and left.
"By the way, the magic stick can make a once-filled one!" Lin Chong shouted at Xu Erhu’s back.
"I know!" Xu Erhu has gone quite far. When he heard Lin Chong calling, he turned around and "plopped" and knelt down before he got up and walked.
"True sincerity" Lin Chong smiled.
Looking at Xu Erhu from afar, Lin Chongshu breathed a sigh of relief.
His first communication with the world is over.
First of all, he knew that the mountain was called the Tang Dynasty, and then it was a demon-ridden world. Human beings were like demons who kept food in captivity and lived a miserable life, which was better than maybe in big cities, but it was so remote and the mountains were high and the emperor was far away.
But things are not always like this. Xu Erhu said a very critical node.
It was a year ago.
A year ago, there was a fairy mage class to clean up these demons.
In this year, the immortal disappeared, and Xu Erhu said that this was a divine tree breaking the heavens and the earth. These six words seemed to be an earth-shattering event, which caused the immortal to stop walking on the earth, and how Xu Erhu described it clearly.
"I’ve been crossing it for a year," Lin Chongwang muttered at the top of the snowy mountain in Kunlun. What’s the connection?
Hissing ~
The little red snake swam out of the snow nest, and the green snake looked at Lin Chong’s snake letter with some expectation.
Lin Chong threw a golden mushroom to it.
The little red snake picked it up and shook it at Lin Chong with its head held high. It was probably very proud to thank you.
Lin Chong felt that the little red snake was raised a bit like a dog.
In the kitchen.
Lin Chong is preparing lunch today.
I still have the last bit of cooking oil at hand. Usually, Lin Chong eats boiled mushrooms. These two days, he rushed through the first anniversary of the Tang Dynasty, and he took out the fried mushrooms to eat.
"I haven’t eaten fried mushrooms for a long time."
Lin Chong washed the mushrooms, prepared to cut them into pieces and then fried them in pan.
At this time, the waterway makes a "gurgling" sound, and the water accumulates in the basin to get rid of it.

Yue Hao has been gone for several days and she is not worried.

Just then, there was a burst of rags outside, and everyone looked around and saw a figure. It was Yue Hao who came back!
Everyone got up in succession.
"There is something wrong with the heaven!"
Yue Hao came to the middle of the hall and said, "It’s a mess over there. I didn’t dare to go too far. I found out a few things. The Great Jinxian Kingdom has fallen!"
They exclaimed one.
Yue Hao said, "I heard that the king of the Great Immortal Kingdom was killed by a furious devil in the demon land and another king of the Immortal Kingdom was killed by some hag!"
"It’s too messy over there. Many great people have appeared in succession. The immortals and kings are all peerless and powerful people that we have never heard of!"
"Dad, what are the names of these demon kings?"
The child could not help but ask.
Yue Hao smiled and said, "Where can I find out about these beautiful strong men and dare not ask rashly?"
Xia Qingying invited two immortals to visit us and invited them to leave Longyuanxing for an unknown place.
"What do you think, husband?"
Xia Qingying asked
Yue Hao pondered for a long time before slowly saying, "I suggest we stay put. If we want to move here, it means we have to give up everything we have run over the years."
"And where the unknown land is, no one knows what it will be like, and no one can tell clearly. Maybe its cultivation environment is not as good as Longyuanxing?"
"Brother Su, is this where you fly up and stay?"
"Yes, I stayed here for more than a hundred years before I left."
"Haha, no wonder you let us get together here. You must still be thinking about some old friends here in those days."
Just then there was a conversation outside.
One of them sounds familiar to everyone in the hall …
Chapter three thousand one hundred and forty Fairy caresses my top
The guards at Snowstorm Ridge didn’t warn you.
This group of people outside seems to have a conversation with arrival in the snowy ridge!
Although there is a sound that sounds familiar, Yue Hao and Xia Qingying all got up and walked out of the hall.
See dozens of figure step and stand at attention to look around.
There are all kinds of men, women and children in this group, and there are girls who are so beautiful that they are really like fairies who are not stained with the world of mortals.
A strong man with a strong demon spirit and a tiger head root does not belong to Terran!
The only thing in common is that these people are all very high!
High to the level where all the people can’t finish exploring the snow ridge.
There are three figures in front of this group of people, and the man on the left has a loud voice like thunder, talking and laughing freely and unrestrained, but his eyes are shining and can’t be stared at!
On the far right, the tall, burly, calm and dignified man looks at his face with a long-term dignity. It seems that he has seen it somewhere.
The man in the middle looks like a gentle and elegant student with blue hair and fine eyes and a smile.
"Sue Sue Sue boss?"
Duan Tianliang seems to find something with a hint of trembling and excitement in it.
YueHao also stare big eyes looking at the first three people in the blue monk pleasantly surprised can’t help but say "clear surplus you look at the man seems to be …"
At the moment, Xia Qingying also stared at the beautiful eyes of that figure with incredible color.
Shen Fei, Gu Wenjun and others also noticed that the blue man was dumbfounded at the moment!
Even if they recognize the bearer, they dare not rashly make friends with the immortals around them.
This feeling is like when two childhood playmates meet again after many years, they find that the other party has been sworn in.
This sense of distance is beyond words.
Just then, the blue monk turned his head and saw all the people coming down to the front of the people and smiled slightly, "Don’t be sick."
"Brother Su … Su Xian is it really you?"
Yue Hao said two words and then realized what he hurriedly changed his mind and asked carefully
Su Mo gave a smile, "What fairy fairy we don’t have these smelly rules?"
Hearing this familiar tone Duan Tianliang was really sure to shout excitedly, "Sue the boss is really you! You, you have been out for more than 10,000 years. This is developed! "
Lin Zhan, residual wind, night spirit, tiger, Nianqi, Xiao Ning, Ji goblin and others have also landed to hear such straightforward words, and everyone can’t help laughing.
"Sort of."
Su Mo also chuckled.
Shen Fei, Gu Wenjun and others also hurriedly said hello before.
But when we meet again, all the people are excited and nervous.

Breaking the waves has just joined the Twin Cities, eager to make meritorious deeds and express himself, saying, "Why don’t you let me break the waves, Lord? I will definitely find a clay idol and bring him back to the Twin Cities."

One side of the dugu took a look at the broken waves and said, "Uh-huh."
Wang Yue said, "Breaking the waves is a good skill to deal with Qin Shuang, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng. One of them may be able to do it, but it is impossible to deal with the three of them at the same time. Let me go there myself."
There are too few talents in the twin cities. A clay idol is alone. This duke can’t go to Wang Yue himself. He can go by himself.
Breaking the waves hurriedly said, "Deputy Duke, let me go with you."
Wang Yue nodded and said "good"
Dugu laughed. "Well, since the deputy duke personally went out and broke the waves, it would be lost."
Qin Shuang, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng arrived at the clay idol’s residence, but they didn’t see the clay idol.
"Where are people?" Qin Shuang asked.
Nie Feng looked at a room and said, "The clay Buddha really lives here. The news can’t be wrong. He should have just left. Look, the table is clean and free of dust."
Qin Shuang was unwilling to say, "Are we a little late?"
Nie Feng laughed. "The mud bodhisattva’s legacy is probably calculated that we will leave when we want to come."
Qin Shuang frowned. "But if we can’t find the clay bodhisattva, will we go back and tell the master?"
"Dadada …"
A horseshoe came.
Qin Shuang, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng look at each other. Someone else is coming?
"It’s horseshoe. Go out and have a look," Bu Jingyun said.
Three people out of the house just to see Wang Yue and broken waves arrived on horses.
Qin Shuang’s face suddenly looked ugly. "Twin cities?"
Wang Yue’s martial arts, they know that it can compete with their master’s hegemony. The three of them together are not Wang Yue’s opponents, but fortunately, the clay idol is not here, even if Wang Yue comes.
Bu Jingyun stared at the broken waves coldly, and he looked down on the broken waves when he was at the meeting. This guy always pretends to be the head of Nanlin Sword, and he is very proud, even if he is a handyman.
Now breaking the waves is obviously a betrayal of heaven with the twins.
Nie Feng was surprised to see Duanlang behind Wang Yue and said, "Duanlang, you … you joined the Twin Cities?"
Nie Feng regards Duanlang as his best friend, but he didn’t expect Duanlang to join the Twin Cities.
Breaking the waves and sneering at "Nie Feng, now I am the guardian of the two cities, and my status is no better than that of your church this day. You can see that I will leave the world if I am now. I am crony to the hegemony and don’t pay attention to talents. I think the sky will be destroyed by the two cities sooner or later."
After that, he looked at Bu Jingyun coldly. If Xiong didn’t let him win, he would have made a fool of Bu Jingyun in the ring.
Qin Shuang shouted at him, "Broken waves, you traitor, what qualifications do you have to judge the master? If you really have something, you will become a master. "
Breaking the waves laughed. "The Lord of the Heaven Hall is dominating you three. Do you have my breaking position? Even if I break the waves, my martial arts will be ten times stronger in the ring and I will lose to Bu Jingyun. "
A cloud appeared in Bu Jingyun’s palm. "Broken waves? You mean you are better at fighting than me?"
Broken waves sneered, "Of course I’m better at martial arts than you."
Wang Yue snorted, "Well, stop quarreling and break the waves. This time I’m not here to let you and Bu Jingyun kill us. It’s a clay idol."
Break the waves and respectfully say, "It’s the deputy duke."
"Squeak …" A lux monkey appeared in the treetops.
Wang Yue’s eyes are a fire monkey. This little thing is here, and the clay idol must be around.
Clay Bodhisattva can’t live without the blood of fire monkeys.
"Break the waves and catch it!" Wang Yue said to the broken waves


It’s dark and empty. A warship is driving slowly in the empty space.
Battleship A white-haired old man sat in the main seat of the control room and looked at the busy people in the room.
"No abnormality was found in the imaginary segment around ~ ~ ~" the radar operator reported.
"well! This section belongs to the most remote location and immediately starts the new installation of evil detection treasures. "The white-haired old man looks dignified like a stuffy radar command."
"It’s an adult! Immediately start the evil detection module, "said the radar operator." The personnel in multiple positions of the warship are also fuelling a strange device.
This equipment is arranged on the radar side in the shape of a black steamed bun.
Ordinary radar method finds evil consciousness, but this thing can detect that evil consciousness because it has just been successfully developed and it is too expensive to start at all times
Everyone worked together to suggest that the black bulge immediately emitted a noise, like some kind of brotherhood of the Wolf, which was broadcast around the virtual space.
A moment later, the screen suddenly flashed and a new situation appeared.
In the original virtual thing, three tattered spacecraft came out impressively.
Everyone just saw it from the screen and felt a chill in the bottom of my heart and a big horror hidden in it.
The white-haired old man looked at him with a surprised face. Even he sensed a powerful and fatal danger from three ships.
"Retreat immediately! Try to keep the detection of evil and report the detection situation to the headquarters! " White-haired old man urgent way
All the warships immediately acted quickly, and the whole warship quickly turned towards the route blaster. At the same time, some people sent out the findings through warships.
Just as they fled, the three broken warships suddenly accelerated towards them, and their speed was much faster than theirs.
"Start the virtual gun, evil different gun bombardment three evil different spacecraft" White-haired old man eyes a shrink roared.
Yu Guihai, a great hall, is closing his eyes and meditating.
Suddenly, he opened his eyes and waved his hand, and the doors of the temple were beating.
A figure hurried in. It was Qingyang. His face was full of joy.
"What’s the happy event?" Yu Guihai asked curiously.
"Master found three evil consciousness ships again. One of our warships was attacked and sent back a desperate message. At present, this warship has lost contact." Qingyang replied urgently.
"…" Yu Guihai
This youngest son has lived so long that he has stopped treating people like people. It is conceivable that a warship in Nima lost contact after encountering evil consciousness. This fellow is not only sad but also happy.