
1. **益气补血**:党参蜂蜜中含有丰富的营养成分,如党参中的多糖、皂苷等成分,能帮助改善气血两虚的症状,对贫血、面色苍白、体倦无力等有辅助调理作用。

2. **消炎杀菌**:党参蜂蜜具有消炎杀菌的功效,对胃炎、胃溃疡、慢性肠炎等消化系统疾病有一定的预防和缓解作用。

3. **滋阴润肺**:党参蜂蜜中的党参成分能滋阴润肺,适用于肺燥咳嗽、痰多、气喘等肺部疾病。

4. **美容养颜**:党参蜂蜜含有的维生素和矿物质能滋养肌肤,淡化色斑,减少色素堆积,使皮肤保持爽滑细嫩且有弹性。

5. **抗衰老**:党参蜂蜜中的抗氧化成分有助于延缓衰老,提高身体免疫力,增强抗病能力。

6. **调节胃肠功能**:党参蜂蜜能够改善胃肠道蠕动,润滑肠道,有助于缓解便秘、大便干燥等症状。


7. **保护消化系统**:党参蜂蜜对胃功能下降、粘膜损伤等消化系统疾病有一定的保护作用。

8. **抗疲劳**:党参蜂蜜中的营养成分有助于缓解疲劳症状,提高身体活力。

9. **增强免疫力**:党参蜂蜜中的活性物质能增强人体免疫功能,提高超氧阴离子的活性,提高清除体内自由基的能力。

10. **强心作用**:党参蜂蜜具有一定的强心作用,长期服用对心脏供氧能量或心肌收缩力有益。

– **体质差异**:对于容易上火或热性体质的人群,不宜长期食用党参蜂蜜。
– **孕妇禁忌**:孕妇通常不宜食用党参蜂蜜,因为党参具有一定的温补作用,可能会影响胎儿的健康。
– **适量服用**:尽管党参蜂蜜的功效较多,但过量服用也可能导致不适,建议适量食用。



1. **疗效**:药品能够有效治疗或缓解疾病的症状,如抗菌药物对细菌感染有抑制作用,解热镇痛药能减轻疼痛和降低体温。

2. **安全性**:药品在使用过程中对人体的安全性,包括不良反应的严重程度和发生率。安全性的高低是评价药品的重要标准。


3. **选择性**:某些药物只作用于特定的靶点或靶器官,而不会影响其他部位,这被称为药物的选择性。例如,β受体阻滞剂主要作用于心脏和血管,对其他器官影响较小。

4. **剂量依赖性**:药物的疗效和副作用往往与剂量有关,低剂量可能只有轻微的治疗效果,而高剂量可能带来严重的副作用。

5. **药代动力学特性**:包括药物的吸收、分布、代谢和排泄(ADME)过程。这些特性影响药物在体内的浓度和作用时间。

6. **药效学特性**:药物与靶点(如酶、受体)相互作用的方式和强度,决定了药物的治疗效果。



– **舒泰神:复方聚乙二醇(3350)电解质维C散**:具有肠道清洁作用,体积小,通过多种成分协同作用治疗。

– **利尿剂**:如噻嗪类、袢利尿剂和保钾利尿剂,适用于轻、中度高血压,但需注意其可能引起的不良反应,如低钾血症。

– **钙通道阻滞剂(CCB)**:如二氢吡啶类和非二氢吡啶类,与其他降压药物联合使用可增强降压作用。

– **急救药品**:如肾上腺素、异丙肾上腺素、阿托品等,用于心脏骤停、过敏性休克等紧急情况。

– **头孢地尼**:具有抗菌谱广、抗菌作用强、临床疗效高、毒性低、过敏反应少等特点。

– **M受体阻断药品**:如阿托品,具有解除平滑肌痉挛、抑制腺体分泌、散瞳等作用。

– **雷尼替丁**:强效组胺H2受体拮抗剂,能抑制胃酸分泌,主要用于胃酸过多、烧心的治疗。



1. **温中散寒**:干姜具有温中散寒的作用,可以缓解因寒邪引起的腹痛、腹泻等症状。

2. **促进消化**:干姜和陈皮均能促进消化液的分泌,帮助改善食欲不振、恶心呕吐等消化系统问题。

3. **缓解胃部不适**:对于胃寒引起的胃痛,干姜陈皮水有缓解作用,有助于减轻胃部不适。

4. **抗氧化作用**:陈皮中含有的维生素C和黄酮类物质具有抗氧化作用,可以清除体内的自由基,减缓衰老过程。

5. **止咳化痰**:陈皮和干姜都有助于缓解咳嗽和痰多的症状,对于寒性咳嗽尤其有效。


6. **促进血液循环**:干姜中的姜辣素能加快血液循环,有助于提高身体的耐寒能力。

7. **缓解晕车**:陈皮具有镇静安神的作用,对于晕车有一定的预防和缓解作用。

8. **美容养颜**:干姜陈皮水中的营养成分有助于改善肤色,对美容养颜有一定的帮助。

9. **调节内分泌**:陈皮和干姜对内分泌系统有一定的调节作用,有助于改善内分泌失调。


– 热性体质或上火症状明显的人;
– 患有胃炎、胃溃疡等消化系统疾病的人;
– 孕妇;
– 有特殊药物过敏史的人。



1. **防风固沙**:沙漠植物如胡杨、沙拐枣、梭梭、柽柳等,拥有深广的根系,能够固定沙土,防止沙漠化扩展。



2. **水源利用**:这些植物的根系能够深入地下,吸收深层水分,为沙漠地区的水资源保护提供了可能。

3. **生物多样性**:沙漠植物是许多沙漠生态系统的重要组成部分,维护着生物多样性。

4. **药用价值**:
– **蓝柱**:富含多酚和抗氧化物,有预防心血管疾病、癌症等作用,还可用于治疗风湿病和肝病。
– **春衣柱**:全草可入药,具有清热解毒、去痰止咳、治疗喉痹等症状,还能预防和治疗乳腺癌。
– **沙漠玫瑰**:其根茎肥大,具有观赏价值,可美化环境。

5. **经济价值**:
– **狐尾翡翠盘**:富含营养成分,具有抗旱、抗病特性,可增加沙地肥力,提高农田产量。
– **春衣柱**:其叶片和果实可纺成纱线,制成衣物,具有透气、吸湿、舒适的特点。

6. **文化价值**:沙漠植物在许多文化中具有象征意义,如狐尾翡翠盘被选为文化符号与经济品种。

7. **生态修复**:通过种植沙漠植物,可以修复沙漠环境,改善生态环境。



1. **清热解毒**:松毛具有清热解毒的作用,适用于治疗因热毒所致的各种症状,如咽喉肿痛、口舌生疮等。

2. **祛风止痒**:松毛能够祛风止痒,对于风热感冒、皮肤瘙痒等症状有缓解效果,尤其适用于荨麻疹、湿疹、结节性痒疹等过敏性皮肤病。

3. **活血化瘀**:松毛具有活血化瘀的功效,可以用于治疗跌打损伤、骨折筋伤、瘀血肿痛等,对女性瘀血性闭经、痛经、月经不调也有一定的调节作用。

4. **改善睡眠质量**:松毛对于老年人睡眠质量差有一定的改善作用。


5. **调节血糖**:松毛中的成分可能有助于降血糖,对糖尿病患者有益。

6. **治疗心脑血管疾病**:松毛泡酒饮用可能有助于预防心血管疾病,如降低血液中的脂肪含量,增加血管弹性和通透性,降低血液粘滞度。


7. **增强体质**:长期使用松毛可能有助于增强体质,对中风、动脉硬化、高脂血症、糖尿病等疾病有特殊效果。

8. **改善皮肤状况**:松毛对于青春痘、脱发等皮肤问题有一定的改善作用。



1. **清热解毒**:绿豆性凉,具有清热解毒的功效,可以帮助身体排出毒素,对于内火旺盛、口腔溃疡、皮肤炎症等有一定的缓解作用。

2. **润肺止咳**:百合具有润肺止咳、化痰、滋阴养血的作用,对于咳嗽、肺燥引起的喉咙干痛等症有很好的辅助治疗效果。

3. **安神润肺**:百合的安神作用可以帮助改善睡眠质量,同时润肺的效果对于神经衰弱、失眠等有积极作用。

4. **利尿消肿**:绿豆具有利尿消肿的作用,对于水肿、高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. **抗过敏**:绿豆中的胰蛋白酶能保护肾脏,减少过敏反应,对荨麻疹等过敏性疾病有一定的预防和缓解作用。

6. **降血脂**:绿豆百合粥中的多糖成分有助于降低血脂,对防治冠心病、心绞痛有一定的帮助。

7. **补钙补铁**:绿豆和百合都含有一定的钙铁元素,对于缺钙、缺铁性贫血有一定的改善作用。

8. **健脾和胃**:百合和绿豆都有助于健脾和胃,对于消化不良、食欲不振有一定的改善效果。

9. **健脑益智**:绿豆中的蛋白质和磷脂有助于兴奋神经、增进食欲,对提高大脑功能、增强记忆力有益。

10. **美容养颜**:百合具有美容养颜的功效,对于皮肤干燥、粗糙等问题有一定的改善作用。

11. **抗肿瘤**:百合中含有的生物活性物质具有一定的抗癌作用。



There are two great evils in this life of protoss.

Emperor God and Xiaoxiang Goddess
In the past 100 years, these two great ubers have destroyed the three gates in the field of repairing the truth after three strikes.
It is said in the fix true world that the goddess Xiaoxiang is the most powerful two genies of the protoss for tens of thousands of years, and they are even more married, which can be described as the real golden couple.
Behind the emperor god, there are two fit protoss with negative hands.
Look at this gesture, it should be the bodyguard and servant around the Emperor God.
Just as Long Huang stepped into the wild temple, the Emperor God also put his glass and turned his head slightly to look at Gherardini.
Emperor god in eyed Long Huang look deep in the fundus over a kill machine.
Long Huang’s eyes have shifted to the three people behind the two servants.
These three protoss have an old man, an old woman and a middle-aged man.
These three people’s cultivation realms are not obvious, but they are filled with terrible breath!
Long Huang looks slightly squint.
"Everyone be careful that it may be the ancestor god!"
Long Cang suddenly sounds dignified.
Ancestral protoss!
Not half-ancestor
But the real bodhi old zu!
Feel the eyes of Long Huang, the three ancestors feel something and look up at this side at the same time.
The eyes of both sides touched in the middle-as if there were sparks flying!
The atmosphere in the wild temple suddenly became dignified!
In the hall, I just pushed a cup for a change, and in a blink of an eye, I could hear the birds falling!
Chapter one thousand five hundred and thirty-six A gift!
"Ha ha ha ha!"
At this time, there was a loud and hearty laugh in the hall, which made the whole hall tremble slightly!
The barbarian young master stood up and threw his fist at Long Huang. "Brother Long Mo, please forgive me for coming here!"
"Brother Longmo, please sit down quickly!"
The barbarian young master looks enthusiastic and sincere, and seems to be scheming.
Especially with such a strong body, it is easy to give people an impression of strong limbs and simple mind.
But Long Huang really knows in his heart.
No one is stupid if he can become a family without a master!
The barbarian young master let his protoss people meet in the wild temple, which is obviously intentional, and the ultimate goal is probably that the barbarians will strive for the greatest benefit!
"What shall we do? It is imperative to look at the protoss posture and win over the barbarians, and the protoss has come to three ancestors! "
Dragon Sunseeker was a little worried about the divine voice and asked, "Why don’t we return to Dragon Skeleton Valley immediately, young master?"
Long Cang slightly shook his head and said, "This is the barbarian territory. The barbarian is the master. The protoss will never dare to hurt people! What’s more, there are two barbarian bodhi old zu guarding behind the tiger. "
"If those three ancestors really dare to start work, the barbarian bodhi old zu will certainly intervene!"
Lonely cloud also nods, "I agree that barbarians are the safest place at present. If we leave the protoss rashly, we will fall into a dangerous situation."
The three of them discussed while talking.
The three gods know the sound, and naturally they didn’t hide from Long Huang.
But Long Huang’s face was always silent, and the three of them didn’t know what was going on in his heart.
Among the many eyes staring at the protoss’ strong hostility, Long Huang was the first to step into the wild temple and come to the main hall.
"Are you Longmo?"
The emperor god slowly got up and said with a big eye, "I’ve heard so much about you!" "
Long Huang didn’t even look at the Emperor God. He looked at the barbarians in front of him in the main hall and saw the mountain. He said, "Don’t talk nonsense. I came here this time to get barbarian support."
"I hope that the barbarians can fight against the six fierce tribes together in the conference of all nationalities."
"Snow …"
Next to a sneer.
The emperor looked at Long Huang with a mocking look, and his eyes were full of disdain.
It turns out that he is also a powerful role in the three taboos of dragon ink body. I didn’t expect to be so impatient!
Behind the emperor god, two protoss powers also laugh at the same time.
Emperor god carefree way "have long heard that the so-called taboo dragon phoenix is just a Terran wild force in two places at once, I still have some don’t believe it"
"I didn’t know what I said until I saw it today."
The emperor looked at Long Cang and others and said, "Aren’t you afraid that such a Terran will take the Dragon into the abyss if you serve the young master in two places?"
"Dragon less theme do you a foreigner!"
Long Cang cold hum a bad tone.
The protoss drank vigorously, "How can a follower get in a word when the Lord speaks?"
Long Cang face a heavy eyes cold.

On the side, Hank looked black. "What happened to make you so scared? Can you calm down? "

Roger obviously can’t. His voice trembled when he said it.
"There is a senator at the door … he seems to have come for the Russian."
"Senator? Is it up to the senator to do this kind of thing? " Hank looked surprised.
Jim Walker smiled proudly. "Senator Stern, right? He was invited by me to be in charge of ordering the new military contractor, so we were just about to discuss a joint issue. Unfortunately, the key figures on this occasion were detained by your branch office, which greatly hindered the senator’s work. "
Walker did not show murderous look and buckled a big hat to Hank 19 Branch. "Officers, senators are very likely to be ruined because of your wrong arrest …"
Senator Stern’s appearance made Hank very difficult. It seems that he must let go.
Two minutes later, a paunchy and wretched old man stepped into the sub-bureau accompanied by his assistant.
"Oh, Walker, look where you chose me. You will entertain me in the conference room of the Austrian delegation, but you have taken me to the police station." Senator Stern curled his lips. "This rich and inferior tobacco smell is disgusting!"
"I’m sorry, but the chief engineer of our company was unfortunately arrested." Walker pretended to be a victim.
"Arrested for what?" The senator cocked his head and asked
"Because he mistakenly regarded the shareholders of our group as business spies, he accidentally offended him," Walker said lightly.
"What about your group shareholders? Are you hurt? " The senator asked.
Walker hurriedly shook his head. "It’s not that I’m just a little scared."
Halios quit immediately. "Nonsense, I was almost strangled by him!"
The senator glanced at Harry and disdained to say, "Son, you are still alive and well, and you are full of anger. I think if a grown man really wanted to attack you, you would be dead already, wouldn’t you?"
"That’s because I arrived in time."
At this time, I have been flying high beside Harry.
"If I hadn’t been with him, the child would have died."
"Boy, you look familiar. What’s your name?" Senator stern squinted at goofy.
Jim Walker obsequiously said, "He is Senator Goofy."
"Oh, so you are the famous policeman. No wonder you dare to talk to me in such a tone." Senator Stern grinned with a crooked mouth. "You did make a lot of contributions to new york, but I advise you not to take credit for yourself. You are a policeman."
"Of course I know my identity because I am a police station. I will not tolerate a person committing a crime under my nose." Goofy said superciliously.
"Crime? You call the misunderstanding of the Oscars a crime? Officer Goofy, I have to say that you are making a mountain out of a molehill, "Senator Stern said strongly." Well, I don’t have time to be in the police station. Now you have to let me go. I have to go to work. "
Then Senator Stern waved to Hank, who knew that NYPD was unable to keep Ivan under such circumstances, and it would be better for the law firm in Austin to cooperate with him on its own initiative.
But just before Hank could go, Goofy spoke again.
"Senator, Mr. Walker, an engineer from Russia, may not be as simple as you think. His father was once let go of the Russian spy who was convicted at that time by the American diaspora. Now this engineer returns to the United States and even needs military equipment support … Don’t you think it’s strange?"
"This is my business and you don’t need to take care of it," Walker retorted at once. He didn’t want the senator to know anything about Ivanko.
Fortunately, Senator Stern didn’t care about goofy talk at all, and said with a smile, "You work to look after the home in new york City, not to point out my decision, you know? Police officer "
Goofy smiled coldly. "I’m afraid you’ll regret it when you don’t know people, senator."
"That’s very generous of you, Officer Goofy." The senator smiled defiantly. "If you weren’t wearing the NYPD badge, I would have mistaken you for the president. Hehehe …"
After that, Senator Stern turned away from the police station, and Hank gave Ivan Fanko to Jim Walker.
Ivan Fanko broke away from the police control and did not forget to give Goofy an arrogant smile before he left.
Harry stamped his feet angrily and tugged at Goofy’s arm. "Are they too crazy?"
Goofy shook his head calmly. "Don’t panic. I have a way to make them suffer."
Ivan Fanko had just walked out of the police station and had not taken the bus. Suddenly, a whisper came to his mind.
Whispering is fluent and boring in Russian.
"Fanke you repent …"
"Be an individual! Stop being stubborn! "
"You have to learn to forgive the world and all the people who have hurt you. Only when you become kind will the world become better …"
Ivan Fanko went crazy on the spot. Where the fuck is this sound?
Even worse, senator stern

"I’ll tell you the specific reasons later," Lv Wenqi said with a smile.

The more shocked Lu was, the more he didn’t believe him, the more proud he felt. Although he didn’t do anything to destroy the destiny, Lin Yang was his apprentice. The better he was as a teacher, the more proud he naturally became.
"You give these ghosts to cross over first." Lv Wenqi pointed to other ghosts coming out of the soul refining dish and ordered Lin Yang.
"Yes" Lin Yang nodded and said, "Du Ren Jing" is about to turn over these ghosts imprisoned by Wang Zeyuan in the soul refining dish. However, he didn’t expect that these ghosts were actually kneeling in front of him. "Thank you for letting us out of the soul refining dish and let us accept torture. More importantly, thank you for avenging us and getting rid of Wang Zeyuan. We don’t want to be reincarnated. We hope that Xian will take us in and let us be your soul messenger."
Lin Yangwen one leng.
These ghosts’ strength bases are all at the level of the ghost king. From the heart, Lin Yang also wants to recruit them. However, the ghost deep pulse pays attention to your feelings before I can be strong. I didn’t presume to make this request.
However, he never thought that these ghosts would take the initiative to be his spirits.
How could Lin Yang refuse this kind of good thing?
Immediately, he used the soul-receiving technique to collect the souls of the four ghosts who were imprisoned in the soul-refining dish with Lu Zhishen.
It was at this time that Lu Wen began to say, "Master Lu, I have an ungrateful request. I hope you can promise."
Lu also readily clap breast promised "what request? If I can do it, I will never say anything. "
"How about being a Linyang Soul Messenger?" Lv Wenqi asked.
Chapter 796 Get rich!
Lin Yang startled one leng, he never thought that Lu Wenqi would make such a request to Lu Zhishen.
"What?" Lu is also a face of surprise. Obviously, Lu Wenqi’s request is far beyond his expectation.
Lu Wenqi smiled with a bitter taste and sighed. After that, he said, "My base is ruined now. Even if the broken meridians and bones can finally heal, there is definitely no way to return to the former level. Master Lu, if you continue to follow me, you might as well be my disciple’s soul, so that his talent and opportunity will definitely be serious in the future, and you can follow him to achieve something. Maybe it is really possible to touch the threshold of ghosts and immortals."
For ghosts, ghosts and immortals are their pursuit goal. Although ghosts and immortals have a low status among many immortals, they are immortals anyway, and after becoming ghosts and immortals, they have hope to continue climbing. Fairy, Jin Xian and so on are just around the corner.
But after hearing Lu Wenqi’s remarks, Lu frowned and said with a little anger, "What do you mean, Lao Lu? Is it true that in your eyes, I, Lu Zhishen, am a man who has achieved immortality and is willing to give up his brothers and old friends? Hum, you look down upon me like this, but I will talk about it here today. Don’t say whether you can restore it in the future. Even if you really lose it and become an ordinary person, I will never leave. I am a clown and don’t know anything, but I still know a thing or two about myself. "
Lv Wenqi shook his head. "Master Lu, you misunderstood me and I didn’t look down on you. It is because I know that you are a man of loyalty that I will ask you to be the soul messenger of Linyang. Because he is our ghost deep ZTE, I hope you can help him reproduce my ghost deep pulse."
"This ….." Lu hesitated.
Lu Wenqi struck while the iron was hot and said some intimate words, which moved Lu Zhishen, a hero who pays attention to friendship first, and immediately agreed to be the soul messenger of Lin Yang.
In this way, Lin Yang was in a fog and accepted Lu Zhishen as the soul messenger, and it is very likely that Lin Chong, Zhang Fei, etc. once assisted Lu Wenqi as the soul messenger.
After the battlefield was cleaned, Lin Yang and Lu Wenqi returned to the car and found the turret standing next to a lake according to Rong Yue’s direction.
Holding the waist tags of the elders of the Destiny Sect, Lin Yang and Lu Wenqi, as well as Ming Xi, and other three girls walked into the building where the Destiny Sect was hidden.
There is a vast amount of smoke hidden in it. I don’t know how many it is. Looking at it, there are many places in this watchtower with a height of more than ten stories.
"How can I find so many days …" Seeing this, Lin Yang was dumbfounded.
"If I had left a mark on the hidden surface of the abyss, I didn’t teach you many things because I was busy running for my life when I received your introduction. Today is also an opportunity. Let me give you the method of awakening the abyss mark-see it clearly."
Lv Wen shook his hands quickly and made a mysterious handprint. He didn’t see what spell he recited, which instilled the soul force into this handprint, and gave birth to a lavender halo rising from his hands and quickly circled in the vast sea of turrets.
After the halo, a purple light lit up, and at the same time, an ancient book flew by itself, dancing around Lu Wenqi and Lin Yang like a butterfly.
Raise my hand and pointed to these ancient books. Lu Wenqi said, "These are the cases of destiny that were taken away from me and hidden. Come and have a look at which side remembers the information that makes Taozhishan and Luoyashan special jade mountains recognize the Lord."
Although I have read it again, Lin Yang has just learned to display his handprint on Lv Wenqi. At this moment, his attention has also shifted to these ancient books hovering around him. Although there is a very small part of the abyss compared with the vast and smoky books in the hidden building, Lin Yang can also have more than a hundred reasons to call out his soul and let them help to watch it together.
However, after some consulting, the results are very disappointing.
In these hidden depths, diseases did not help Taozhishan and Luolongshan to recognize the main information.
"It seems that Xiang Ji should be in the hands of several other encirclement and suppression sects." Lu Wen closed his hand and shook his head with a wry smile.
"We went to a sect immediately after we moved all the things in the Destiny Sect," Lin Yang said.
He wasn’t so disappointed about it.
Lv Wenqi didn’t expect Lin Yang to be in such a hurry that he couldn’t help one leng "Don’t take a break? At least wait for the national jade seal to recover? "
Although the power of the imperial seal is powerful, its consumption is also quite huge. Besides consuming the messenger’s soul power, it also consumes its own spiritual energy. It has been used three times in a row since the imperial seal was taken out from the Qin Emperor, especially this last time, because of the large number of people suppressed, all the spiritual energy in the imperial seal was exhausted. In this case, it is necessary to put the imperial seal in a place full of aura and feed it with materials containing aura to make it exhausted.
According to Lu Wenqi’s estimation, even if the materials are enough to restore the national decree to a level that can make it less, it will take a week, and it will take ten days and a half months, which is quite normal.
But now Lin Yang is not going to go to a Sect when the national decree is restored.
Lv Wenqi couldn’t help but worry that it would be that the case of destroying the destiny was too smooth for Lin Yangsheng to be complacent.
Lin Yang sighed and said, "I also want to wait until the national decree restores psionics before going to a sect, but time waits for no one … The news that the Destiny Sect was destroyed will soon spread all over the fix-true world. Once several other sects are prepared, it will be difficult for us to annihilate them and get back what belongs to them, and even they may design blackmail."
Lv Wenqi knew that Lin Yang was right, but he was still worried. "But if there were no national decree, you alone would like to one-on-one hit a sect …"
"There’s nothing to be afraid of" Lin Yang interrupted Lu Wen and said with a smile, "Although I can’t make a national decree, I still have two fairy instruments, the sword and the gouhun flag, to command dozens of ghost kings and ghost emperors. If I rely on these still methods to compete with a sect, I can also invite all the ghosts in Taozhi Mountain to help out. Oh, by the way, there is one more thing that I seem to have forgotten to tell you before. I still have a large-scale Yin soldier in the underground …"
At ordinary times, I don’t think Lu Wenqi was surprised to find that in the past less than a year, this disciple himself has grown to a height that makes him stunned. At that time, Lu Wenqi turned out to be a little confused about what to say.
It was a long time before he uttered a sigh, "How many shocking things do you have?" But soon he laughed again. "I’m really looking forward to the reaction of Miaoyun Temple, Huangquanmen and other sects when they see your figure … I wonder if they will be as shocked and unbelievable as these people of destiny?"
Lin Yang smiled implicitly and didn’t say much on this topic.
Although there is no information about Taozhishan and Luoyashan in the turret, Lin Yang has collected them all into the sea. After all, these are Baojia ancient books, and each value is quite high. If Mingyuan wants to reproduce its past glory, these collections are essential.
After hundreds of years of living with the mandate of heaven, it took thousands of means to collect it from the Ministry of Tibet. After moving, Lin Yang drove Lu Wenqi and Ming Xi Bai Yutang and Yi Yuyou to Rongyue to take the initiative to explain it, and the mandate of heaven put all kinds of precious treasures in the cabinet.
This treasure pavilion is located in the middle of a lake. Naturally, the car can’t cross it. Fortunately, there is a boat moored on the shore and Lin Yang paddles four people to an artificial island in the middle of the lake.
Treasure Pavilion is located in the middle of the island, covering an area of 50 mu, with ten floors and ten hell allusions. The power and scale of setting up an array in this treasure place are much higher than those in the turret. However, those waist tags that Lin Yang seized from the elders of Destiny Sect are the keys to let him go smoothly again.
See the treasure cabinet, densely packed with all kinds of spiritual materials, Dan medicine and Fabao Linyang. Even if you are well informed, your eyes can’t help but straighten up at the moment, and even more astounding exclaimed, "Dear … Destiny is really worthy of being a soul repair. The big Sect in it is really rich."
Lin Yang looked blindsided. Ming Xi, Bai Yutang and Yi Yu, three girls, were even more unbearable. Since they entered the Treasure Pavilion, they felt that their eyes were not enough and they were shocked and some could not sell …
"I’m rich. I’m really rich this time."
After a long time, the three girls almost shouted out such a sentence with different mouths.
And this sentence just tells what Lin Yang thinks.
Chapter 797 This is a world of seeing faces.
"moving things"

Fox three also thinks that there are too few production soldiers in the town.

第442章 血修罗纳兹格
The first city of Terran is stable! 》
The cross-border economic model brings inspiration! 》
On the contribution of Hangzhou eldest brother and black dragon in the spiritual world! 》
The leaders of the twenty countries spoke highly of the development of wasteland province! 》
The scale of Hangzhou powder is conservatively estimated to exceed 200 million! Hang boss has become the first traffic idol! 》
"The best secret" black dragon beauty hierophant, Qinglong group beauty president Hang Boss had to tell a story! 》
Hangyu became the queen of Shaquan City.
The criticism of others in the real world has disappeared.
Occasionally, some people will say something sour, but they will soon be overwhelmed by the masses.
At present, the topic is always high, from the form of wasteland to the form of high-level territory, all kinds of benefits. black dragon has recently engaged in economic and trade, and even Hangyu’s personal gossip news can cause discussion among all parties.
Strategic centers of major cities
Think tanks of major countries
They don’t study every movement of Shaquan City, an experimental field in the wasteland province. Shaquan City is now a weather vane of Terran in the spiritual world.
Qinglong community
Hangyu drinking tea is rare and leisurely.
Now Shaquan City is very busy, and the trial operation of the trading center has achieved great success. Every day, a large amount of materials are transported from various indigenous towns to Shaquan City.
These high-quality resources and excellent equipment will eventually be injected into the Terran society and will soon be absorbed by the huge Terran.
At the same time
Shaquan City continuously imports and purchases secret medicines, skill stones and special materials from the Terran world and sells them to indigenous people at extremely high prices.
The profit of this process is beyond imagination!
Although the situation is smooth, the actual operation process also exposes many problems.
Hang Yu is too lazy to hand in the department and give it to him.