
1. **增强免疫力**:中宁枸杞富含多种营养成分,如多糖、蛋白质、氨基酸等,能够增强机体的免疫功能,提高人体对疾病的抵抗能力。

2. **补肾益精**:中宁枸杞自古以来就被认为具有补肾益精的功效,对于肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣等症状有很好的改善作用。

3. **保护眼睛**:中宁枸杞含有丰富的β-胡萝卜素和维生素A,对于保护视力、预防眼疾如近视、老花眼、夜盲症等有显著效果。

4. **延缓衰老**:枸杞中的抗氧化物质,如枸杞多糖、硒等,能够清除体内的自由基,减缓细胞衰老,有助于保持年轻活力。

5. **防癌抗癌**:中宁枸杞中的天然化合物如枸杞多糖、甜菜碱等,具有抗癌活性,能够抑制肿瘤细胞的生长和扩散。

6. **调节血糖**:中宁枸杞中的枸杞多糖和其他生物活性物质,有助于调节血糖,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

7. **降血脂和血压**:枸杞中的天然化合物可以降低血液中的胆固醇和甘油三酯,对于高血压和高血脂患者有辅助治疗作用。

8. **改善心血管功能**:中宁枸杞中的抗氧化物质能够改善心血管系统的功能,减少心血管疾病的风险。

9. **促进消化**:枸杞中的生物活性物质能够促进消化,增加食欲,改善消化不良的症状。

10. **改善睡眠**:枸杞中的多种营养成分,如维生素B、镁和褪黑素等,有助于改善睡眠质量,缓解失眠。

11. **美容养颜**:枸杞中的维生素C、E等抗氧化物质能够保护皮肤,减少皱纹,延缓衰老,有助于美容养颜。


12. **提高性功能**:中宁枸杞被认为能够提高性功能,增强性欲,对于性功能障碍有一定的改善作用。

13. **抗疲劳**:枸杞中的营养成分能够增加肌糖原和肝糖原的储备,提高人体活力,对抗疲劳有显著效果。

14. **抗应激**:枸杞能够增强人体对压力的抵抗力,有助于缓解生活和工作中的压力。

15. **调节免疫功能**:中宁枸杞中的多种生物活性物质能够调节人体的免疫功能,提高免疫细胞的功能。



1. **润肺止咳**:枇杷水归肺经,具有很好的润肺止咳作用,对肺燥咳嗽、咳痰气喘等病症有一定的调理效果。


2. **生津止渴**:枇杷水性凉,口味酸甜,可以刺激唾液分泌,改善烦渴的症状。

3. **和胃下气**:枇杷水归脾经,能够增强脾胃功能,缓解胃气不足、食欲不振、吐逆等症状。

4. **辅助治疗疾病**:临床上常用于辅助治疗支气管炎、肺炎等肺部疾病。


5. **适宜人群广泛**:适用于肺燥咳嗽、烦渴、胃气不足、吐逆等人群。

6. **清肺润肺**:在干燥的秋冬季节,每天饮用枇杷水可以帮助清肺润肺,增强身体抵抗力。


7. **开胃生津**:枇杷水可以起到开胃生津的作用,对于食欲不振的人群有很好的辅助作用。



1. **药用价值**:
– **消瘿散瘰**:蜥蜴在中医中被认为有消瘿散瘰的功效,即能治疗甲状腺肿大等病症。
– **利尿、化痰散结**:可用于治疗小便不利、痰多等症状。


– **治疗难治性疾病**:如癫痫、淋巴结结核、疮毒等,蜥蜴被用于调治这些恶性疾病。
– **补肺气,益精血**:如大壁虎,据《本草纲目》记载,可补肺气,益精血,定喘止咳。
– **治疗神经衰弱、肺结核**:中医常用以治疗神经衰弱、肺结核等疾病。


2. **食用价值**:
– 在某些地区,蜥蜴被视为食材,具有较高的营养价值。


3. **文化象征意义**:
– 在中国传统文化中,蜥蜴因其“土龙”之称,具有权力和高贵的象征意义。
– 蜥蜴繁殖能力强,生命力顽强,象征着希望、生生不息。
– 蜥蜴在古代常被王公贵族喜爱,象征着高贵。

4. **生态价值**:
– 蜥蜴作为捕食者,有助于控制害虫数量,维持生态平衡。

– 在中医应用中,应在医生指导下合理使用。
– 避免食用未知的蜥蜴种类,以防摄入有害物质。
– 注意蜥蜴可能携带的寄生虫问题。



1. **营养价值丰富**:红酒炖鸡以鸡肉和红酒为主要原料,鸡肉富含高蛋白、低脂肪、高维生素,而红酒中的多种维生素、葡萄糖和氨基酸则进一步提升了菜肴的营养价值。

2. **美容养颜**:红酒中的原花青素和多酚类物质具有抗氧化作用,能有效清除体内的自由基,保护身体细胞,延缓衰老。同时,红酒还能促进气血循环,使肌肤光滑细腻,有助于美容美白。


3. **缓解压力,改善睡眠**:红酒中含有酒精和苯乙酸,这些物质能够镇静和放松神经,有利于改善睡眠质量。鸡肉中的多种氨基酸也具有促进神经系统正常运转的作用,有助于缓解身体和心理压力。

4. **调中理气,暖胃健脾**:红酒炖鸡具有调中理气、暖胃健脾的功效,对于改善消化系统功能有一定的帮助。

5. **保健养颜**:对于孕妇和中年妇女,红酒炖鸡能起到很好的保健养颜效果,有助于补充体内微量元素,促进体内器官运作。


6. **辅助治疗**:对于产后调养,红酒炖鸡有一定的辅助作用,有助于子宫收缩和恶露的消除。


7. **活气通血**:红酒炖鸡有助于活气通血,对于血液循环系统的健康有益。

8. **简单易做**:红酒炖鸡的制作方法简单,适合家庭日常烹饪,既能享受美食,又能带来健康。



1. **清热解毒**:甘蔗和马蹄性寒,能够帮助清热解毒,适用于发热、口渴舌干等症状。

2. **生津止渴**:在天气干燥或身体缺水时,饮用甘蔗马蹄水可以有效生津止渴。

3. **和胃止呕**:对于胃部不适或恶心呕吐等情况,这款饮品有一定的缓解作用。

4. **滋阴润燥**:适合在干燥季节饮用,可以缓解因干燥引起的咳嗽、咳痰等症状。

5. **促进消化**:马蹄和甘蔗含有大量纤维素,有助于促进胃肠道蠕动,预防积食。

6. **增加食欲**:其酸甜口味符合儿童口味,有助于增加食欲。

7. **补充营养**:含有维生素及钙、铁等矿物质,有助于补充儿童生长发育所需的营养。

8. **预防流感**:由于甘蔗和马蹄中的营养成分能够增强免疫力,因此适量饮用有助于预防流感。


9. **润肠通便**:对于便秘问题,甘蔗马蹄水也有一定的帮助。


10. **调血压、降血脂**:含有一定量的矿物质,有助于调节血压和降低血脂。



1. **行气止痛**:木香是香木中的一种,具有行气止痛的功效,适用于治疗胸腹胀满、胸胁胀满、脘腹胀痛等症状。

2. **健脾消食**:木香归脾经,有助于健脾消食,对于消化不良、食欲不振等有一定的缓解作用。

3. **净化空气**:檀香木能够净化空气,去除异味,同时具有消炎、杀菌的效果,对于改善室内空气质量有积极作用。

4. **理气镇痛**:檀香木可以理气镇痛,对于腹胀或胃部不适有缓解作用。

5. **消炎和感冒**:檀香木具有消炎作用,对于感冒引起的身体不适有一定的缓解效果。

6. **调节心情**:檀香木的香气有助于调节情绪,使心情平静,对于紧张、焦虑和抑郁有一定的缓解作用。

7. **美容养颜**:檀香木具有美容养颜的作用,可以改善皮肤状况,减少疤痕和斑点。


8. **抗菌效能**:沉香木具有强烈的抗菌效能,可以用于治疗多种细菌感染。

9. **止咳化痰**:沉香木对于止咳化痰有很好的效果,适用于治疗咳嗽、痰多等症状。

10. **清神理气**:沉香木有清神理气的作用,可以净化心灵,改善烦躁情绪。

11. **治疗多种疾病**:沉香木还可以用于治疗肺结核、气喘、胃溃疡、胃炎、胃痛、便秘等多种疾病。

12. **防蚊虫、防潮**:沉香木具有一定的防蚊虫和防潮作用。


"White elephant and I were proud of the world when we were born in the early days of Luo, and we suppressed Guanyin and others. They have reached the top of the time law and have stepped into the realm of virtual creation. From then on, these people will not shoot you again. You must be careful!"

The green lion also recovered his eyes and woke up at Gao Cai.
"The younger generation knows that they will pay attention to it in the future!"
Gao Cai nodded his head and looked dignified. Speaking of it, it seems that Yuan Tianzun and his father have made moves one after another today, which has made the people of heaven and earth know about the present form, and it will be even more dangerous in the future. We must plan and raise it well. The most important thing is to upgrade quickly and promote Jin Wonderland at an early date.
In this way, one’s own strength can be promoted and life can be guaranteed.
"I didn’t expect these practices to have such a realm, but it’s a pity that I can use this kongtong seal to differentiate into five doppelgangers!"
After listening to the words of the lion and the white elephant, Li Shimin also felt a little sigh with emotion, and then turned his attention to the distant war, and the war in this field gradually stopped, with several masters of shushan and heaven fighting.
"It seems that the situation is settled and we need to prepare for it. With the help of Shushan, Datang can be regarded as having a strong ally, which will also be of great help to the future situation!"
After sweeping the situation in the field, Gao Cai’s eyes flickered slightly and said slowly, and he also gently pressed the fairy tower of science to firmly guard the whole of Shushan’s low-order brother, hundreds of thunder magic soldiers and hundreds of refining and chemical mountain soldiers, and the heaven gradually formed a confrontation situation.
There are already six bodies of those great witches left in the war, and the King Tota is surrounded by them to form a confrontation.
Several treasures of Shushan have been obtained by people, and I’m afraid I didn’t expect to continue to fight, and there is also a master of refining and killing treasures. Many things are not worth the candle.
"It’s good to wait and see now!"
Li Shimin ordered a little bit of leader dew meditation color said slowly.
In this conversation, Gao Cai’s hands were quickly clenched to collect the blood of the smashed wizards, and he was prepared to exercise his body and attack Jin Xian in the Chi-you banner.
For a moment, Gao Cai put away the great wizard JingXie, and at this time, Cheng Shi and Chinese Emperor also retreated after a fierce confrontation, each with a cold air of war.
"Cheng Shi, you will be punished sooner or later if you break the dogma!"
After this battle, Emperor Ziwei sat down on the throne again, and the staff was far away, and he said coldly, then the whole sky was covered with stars, and all the heavenly generals were shrouded and slowly disappeared.
Chapter three hundred and thirteen Rain falls
With the departure of Ziwei Emperor, the great war in Shushan stopped to leave a ruin, and the whole of Shushan became a mess. The sword peak was flattened and the floating island destroyed the original Xianjia holy land. At this time, it was like Senluo Hell.
In addition to the broken mountain wall, many bodies of Shushan brothers are also everywhere, with broken arms and limbs everywhere, giving people a doomsday scene. Several Shushan brothers just stand in vain and look at these scenes, looking blankly, angry and crying.
After watching the whole scene of shushan, Gao Cai also shook his head slightly. Although this shushan is lucky, it has been weakened, and the middle and high-level brothers have almost been killed, and more than half of the details have been consumed, which makes the whole shushan fall from the first-rate sects to the second and third streams.
This is also the profound and powerful sect of Shushan. If other sects are afraid that they have been wiped out by heaven, they will feel a little sorry for the middle and high school, and then reach out a little bit of Kunlun India’s pure sunshine thunder sea, and the whole of Shushan will be shrouded in this pure sunshine thunder water after a few earthquakes.
"Pure Yang thunder water? !”
Some monks who didn’t come and leave when they saw the pure sunshine water falling in the virtual space couldn’t help but exclaim. Some brothers of Shushan also looked at the thunder water falling in the virtual space with a blank look.
When looking at Gao Cai, Shu Shandi’s eyes were more grateful, while those on the sidelines looked at Gao Cai’s eyes with more awe and more strange feelings, and some of them were full of a little heat.
Now, everyone wants to take part in the Great Tang Dynasty to recruit immortals. After all, this pure Yang thunder water is an extremely good thing, especially the Tang Buddhist can make him afraid of more treasures in his hands.
When everyone has their own thoughts, pure sunshine and thunder water nourish several Lingcao Linghua, and several injured Lingwu recovered one by one, and the broken peaks were healed again as if the whole of Shushan had not experienced any injury.
If it weren’t for those broken limbs, no one could have imagined that they had experienced a terrible war before.
In these pure sunshine thunder waters, many Shushan brothers immediately sat cross-legged and huffed and puffed. These pure sunshine thunder waters recovered their injuries, and some of their body parts slowly grew out.
Some low-ranking brothers quickly cultivated and took the opportunity to break through the card growth and repair.
In this way, the consumption of pure yang thunder water in the thunder sea is great, but Gao Cai doesn’t care to wait for all his brothers to recover before slowly recovering the scattered pure yang thunder water.
"Thank you, Taoist!" Aside, Cheng Shi was grateful to see Gao Cai doing these things. This pure yang thunder water is condensed from pure yang, which is better than a panacea. It is really a big deal to come so generously.
Moreover, the recovery of Shushan and the treatment of the injured brother of Shushan also made Cheng’s affection for Gao Cai much a few minutes.
"It’s also my duty to be original when I can’t be praised so much by my predecessors. Since I am an ally of Shushan, I should naturally be benefited by my Datang."
Looking at the virtual neutrality, Chengshi Gaocai said slowly, but the sound clearly appeared in everyone’s ear in Shushan. Gaocai also wanted to take this opportunity to surface Shushan and Datang now.
"Ha ha promise things must promise now I of shushan by heaven avoid heavy losses in the future also want you to datang mutual support! If you have something to do with the Tang Dynasty, you will surely arrive. "
I didn’t pay too much attention to the meaning of Cheng Shi in Gao Cai’s words. I smiled and expressed my position. Then I saw a little surprise in Li Shimin’s eyes and looked around and said.
"These are pure Yang thunder waters, which can help the seniors to be original in strength. There is also a treasure in their hands that contains several pure Yang thunder waters that can be treated and promoted by practitioners. You can also send your brother to Chang ‘an if you need it."
Looking at Cheng Shi’s promise, Gao Cai moved a large pool of pure Yang thunder water and took it out to float in the virtual space and handed it to Cheng Shi.
Nowadays, many powerful brothers in Shushan have fallen, leaving a large number of low-ranking brothers. It can be said that there are huge faults in Shushan, and it is precisely these pure sunshine and thunder water that are needed.
Seeing these pure Yang Lei Shuicheng’s exultation, it is difficult to put away the pure Yang thunder water directly. Now it is difficult for Shushan to become a family. A large number of middle and high-ranking brothers have been killed. At present, the lack of strength has greatly reduced the strength of Shushan, and even if something happens, it will help these low-ranking brothers practice.
However, with these pure yang thunder water, these brothers’ mana can be greatly improved to help them practice.

Su Mo couldn’t see anything and frowned and turned back to his original place.

Three hours later, a valley loomed ahead.
"Here we are"
Came to the valley, the spirit boat landed slowly, and many monks jumped
In this Dongling Valley, there are also two real people guarding Wenxuan and three people guarding the misty peak. There are already five real people guarding this place.
In the middle of Dongling Valley, there is a pool with sparkling water and strong aura.
Even if it is hundreds of meters away, Sumo and others can clearly feel it.
"This is really a blessing."
Xiao pang showed his intoxication, took a deep breath and praised him.
Feng Haoyu smiled and said meaningfully, "Enjoy yourselves."
Just then, there was a dark dark cloud outside Dongling Valley, which was unpredictable and rolling in at a very fast speed!
There is still a little scarlet light shining in this dark cloud, which is weird and gloomy.
The clouds change color!
Chapter two hundred and fifteen Wai Kill Bureau
Wenxuan look a narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of dark clouds.
Su Mo suddenly frowned at the sight of such a dark cloud and felt a sense of deja vu.
This dark cloud is moving very fast, and its strange red light is flashing, but it is not like a cloud, but like …
"Mine blood-eyed crow!"
The so-called black cloud is actually a surge of crows
The flashing red light is the crow’s eyes!
Su Mo thought of the World War I sinking outside Linfeng. "Be careful, it’s those people in Lingkuang outside Linfeng!"
"To revenge the magic door?"
Wenxuan narrowed his eyes and murdered.
In the hearts of all people in the dimly discernible peak, the tragedy in Maple City was committed by people in the magic door.
But Sumo learned from Ji goblin that there was no such vicious means and achievement method in the magic door.
At this point, Sumo believes that Ji goblin.
Although Ji goblins seem to be frivolous, they are very measured and have magic door pride in their bones.
If it is in the magic door, she will not deny it.
Su Mo looked at Xiao Pang and coldly whispered, "If you see that the situation is wrong, run away!"
"why?" Xiao pang got a fright.
Lengrou also frowned slightly.
Two people haven’t realized the danger.
In their opinion, there are five real people such as Wenxuan in Zongmen and a group of top monks in Zhujiajing here.
Such a powerful force is enough to destroy some small clan doors and will be afraid of people.
Sue ink didn’t speak eyes in the wind Haoyu and elder Chen turned a circle and pulled out a fly sword from the bag.
It’s Extreme Fire Dao Jun who makes extremely flying swords!
During this period, Su Mo spent most of his energy on studying and tempering, and realized that the realm of candle-illuminated sword array has not yet been refined.
This flying sword is also found in the order spirit in his bag.
Soon the dark clouds came to Dongling Valley.
Exhausted blood-eyed crows hover in the sky to cover the sky and exude a strong demon spirit. Every practice is no weaker than that of Godsworn Tsukiji!
It was dark at once.
Many dimly discernible peak brothers in the valley look a little ugly, and there is a fear in the depths of their eyes.
After all, this scene is so shocking that it is creepy and chilling!
The crow’s eyes generate with scarlet lotus flower kept neighing and staring at the face, and all the monks seemed to dive at any time to tear many dimly discernible peak brothers to pieces!
Xiao pang turned pale and swallowed his saliva. He said with a dignified look, "This time the flat-haired beast is much stronger than the first time I saw it!"
At the entrance of Dongling Valley, a huge spiritual boat galloped and hundreds of monks jumped from the surface.
Among them, there are more than ten real people!
The rest are patchy repairs by Godsworn Tsukiji, but the number is several times more than that of Brother Dimly discernible Peak!
Plus the raven with a bloody eye at the top of the head …
On the absolute wind, whether it’s from the real person then or from the misty peak of Godsworn Tsukiji.
This is a encirclement and suppression bureau!
The sky goes into the ground!
Among the hundreds of monks from Lingzhou, the first young monk was Tsukiji, dressed in a bloody robe, and asked a crow at the cuff. His face was pale and his mouth was slightly upturned.
Ten then real people clustered around faintly to protect them in the middle.

"Yes!" They came to find out what it was like to smell speech at this time.

They flew towards the hole of the ball and felt the intermittent earth-like attacks in the middle. Even the virtual environment is not good for the strong.
But a few people are powerful, and the strong naturally don’t care much about this.
Only when I came near Yu Guihai did I realize that the mouth of the cave was huge. The mouth of the cave was nearly 1000 meters high and 500 meters wide. Several people were very small at the mouth of the cave.
Entering the mouth of the cave, the forbidden attack is getting stronger and stronger, and various attributes are erupting. The five elements of power flow, the birth and death are endless, and the virtual period level is endless. How far will the strong people come here with difficulty?
A few people are deadpan along the channel into the large array.
This passage is also composed of irregular stones as seen from the outside, but from here, there is a thick white fog filling the gap between the stones.
Feet are also paved with stones at indefinite distances. It is necessary to keep jumping forward. Fortunately, several people are strong and can fly directly.
Not long before the advance, three forks appeared conveniently, and the right channel was directly designated by the returning sea.
Chapter 932 Broken array, weird
Everyone went deep all the way, talking and laughing, but after going deep for a while, they were more and more powerful, banned and oppressed, and it was a little difficult.
In addition to Yu Guihai, several other people broke out to fight against the ban.
Finally, when I came to a place more than 700 miles away, one of the elders with the lowest strength took the lead and had to say goodbye to everyone and go back the same way.
After several people stopped in succession, even the virtual spirit stopped at nine hundred miles.
"Master, I can’t go any further, and I may die." Virtual Spirit said with a face of disappointment.
"You go first" Yu Guihai nodded.
I don’t know what danger awaits him yet. He can’t move on with a burden.
Not long before Yu Guihai’s separate road, a fork in the road appeared again. Almost all the fork in the road before him was a fork in the road.
Moreover, he once recorded the arrangement of gravel at each fork and found that there was a significant gap and inconsistency in the arrangement of gravel at each fork.
This seems to prove that every fork they pass is different.
But now Yu Guihai wavered.
"Is it really inconsistent?"
He stopped wondering.
I remember that every time I met a fork in the road, he chose the right channel, which was a simple way for him to face the maze.
Along the way, the ban seems to indicate that they are going deep into sealing the large array, and this simple method is getting bigger.
However, Yu Guihai has doubts in his heart, which seems to be a bit too coincidental.
He carefully observed every detail of the fork in the road and tried to find the same place at the fork in front, but he didn’t find that every stone was different in shape, position and size.
And he didn’t find the characteristics of the dreamland. Everything here is true, even if there is no white fog outside, it is produced by the forbidden force.
"How strange!"
Yu Guihai decided to move on because of his doubts. He will be interesting to see what moth is in it.
With the deepening of the forbidden power around, the five elements of power are becoming more and more powerful, and the violent forces have evolved into water, wind and fire, and they are calling from Yu Guihai.
However, these powers of the earth have shaken him, because he is melting out of the road with the super power of the five elements
His strength is broader than that of the five elements, and he has great strength beyond the five elements.
He needs the five-color divine light to protect his body and get close to the five elements of power, and then the root method invades and is instantly calmed down by the five-color divine light.
However, Yu Guihai walked for a long time, definitely exceeding thousands of miles according to the distance, but still did not get out of the maze.
The forbidden power around him was still increasing, but he kept moving forward until he simply flew.
Suddenly, he felt lighter and seemed to have passed through some kind of ban, and the surrounding pressure disappeared instantly.
Then the boulders around the passage slowly moved and kept in peace. The stones seemed to be disturbed and collided constantly.
The rune of the stone array suddenly flashed, and a powerful mysterious force emerged as if to correct the stones and restore order.
However, it is like breaking a taboo. This force has not achieved its goal. There are too many stones, and it can control a small part.

Jiao Fei sat down in front of the Shuifu grandly and shouted, "Even if there are earth-shaking moves outside, we will be safe and sound in the Shuifu. Don’t lose our temper. Let’s practice with me!" Jiao Fei cursed the nine-character daylight to these aquarium parts. Where did these aquarium learn any spells by natural understanding? When Jiao Fei granted the nine-word sunlight mantra, they all thought it was kindness, and the aquarium slowly settled down and never cared about the Huaihe River again.

Jiao Fei didn’t have the magic to see the scene of the Huaihe River at the moment. He could guess and listen to the Taoist priest Cha Shuangying yelling for a while. He couldn’t see the blue plow, and he didn’t know what vicious spell he had made. He heard the fat boy kill the pig, and he also screamed and added Zhushan to teach the sound spell to shake the fish and shrimp swimming in the Huaihe River, and he didn’t know how many people died, not to mention the Buddhist practitioners who were the door of all schools of good and evil.
Yanghuer’s face changed several times, and he wanted to have a fight to check the double shadow. Both Wen-fang li and Gu raised eyebrows to persuade Yanghuer to have a clear treasure, Fu Jindan, and all the great figures could be crushed to death, but checking the double shadow far exceeded this level. Yanghuer really wanted to rush to it, but it was just death.
Yang Huer dares to make this gesture, but he is just a young man who relies on his old status to earn a living in front of two fellow senior sisters. I really want him to check the double shadow Yang Huer, even if he has the courage, but he is not stupid enough to even know the difference between the enemy and the enemy.
Just because the three swordsmen of Lijiang River dare not go doesn’t mean that there is no one else to check the double shadow. It’s so arrogant to humiliate a koo boy in public and despise everyone. If everyone is timid, it will be said that dozens of people in Huaihe River will be intimidated by Zhushan to check the double shadow. It must be said that everyone is disgraced.
Maybe this young man fell into the hands of others, but if he doesn’t stand up at this time, he will claim to uphold the ancient right path in front of his peers in the future.
The fat boy called for more than ten times, and his voice was still loud. There was a soft sound. If the water rippled slowly, he rang and cried, "Check the double shadow. Although you are a big elder of Zhushan Sect, how dare you treat the sky like a hero?" It’s true that I’m the right person to do such a terrible thing in the dark. It’s serious to let the young man go and find someone else to come out. "
Cha Shuangying smiled and suddenly shouted angrily, "I will bully you. Why?"
This Johnson’s drinking has made Zhushan cult absorb the soul and evil method. Just now, the people who protested suddenly felt that their souls were tight, like being caught out of the top of the skull by a silk thread. Although they were terrible, they could not struggle.
Half a day high in the clouds, a handsome boy suddenly got angry and couldn’t control the light anymore. He fell from a semi-straight fall to the Huaihe River. Everyone in the eye could see that he was the one who had just fought with Cha Shuangying, but he was hooked by the understatement of the Zhushan Sect elders. The true spirit suddenly went wild and turned into a real fire and burned the flesh.
The Taoist alchemist has been practicing penance for hundreds of years, and his body is full of true qi. If he is strong, he will suppress a detonation, just like this young man’s general field, it is the monk who is most afraid of true qi and eats himself.
The cloud of fire in Cha Shuangying’s imperial palace is formed by the condensation of five elements of yin and evil spirits and extremely real fire, which is dedicated to devouring the soul of the monk Jing Yuan. This handsome boy’s soul is nourished, and suddenly the flame is more fierce. The black cloud of fire covers the whole day. This monster is demonstrating to everyone.
All the people present were either the younger brothers of the major factions or the sage of the side door, and then the second person was refined. The real master of Yuan God didn’t drop his status like a goose. After suffering here, he checked the double shadow and immediately shocked everyone. He laughed wildly and resounded through Tianyu.
Yang Huer hates the itch of his roots and says, "Don’t say that even when my dad comes, even if it’s light and cold, Meng Tan’s bamboo glass son Yue Yu, a brother and sister can fight with Cha Johnson when they add my hands too clearly."
Gu Yinger frowned and said, "The lighter the bamboo is, the colder it is. The two martial sisters should always be tracking behind the Taoist Lan Li, but I don’t know if they will show up now!"
Li Wenfang also said, "Meng Chong’s bamboo is lighter and colder. Although the two senior sisters have never been refined, Xiu Yuan’s superego and others, especially Meng’s senior sister, have laid the foundation of Taoism, and there is a magic weapon to teach the younger generation. A first-rate person with her in charge of Johnson will never dare to do so."
Talk killed a man, looked around, looked around and sneered at the white bone platform in the black fire cloud. The fat boy lowered his voice and said carefully, "Master, I’m a disciple, and my voice is hoarse. Can I have some water?"
Check the double shadow look very bad and said, "You said that this legal nature can force the blue plow road flyover out without any effect? If you can’t find out what you worship in our door, you have to discuss it again. "
The obese teenager said with a bitter face, "It’s not that I wanted to worship Meng Kuan at the beginning. When your old door was when you passed by Baishi Town, you said that I had a fairy bone behind my head, and I had doomed love with you …"
"Nonsense! How can it be doomed love? It’s a long-standing relationship between master and apprentice! "
The obese teenager even said, "Yes, yes, anyway, it’s the master. You have to accept my introduction, not the apprentice. If it weren’t for my idea, how could your old man take the wind everywhere in this pursuit of Taoist Lan Li?" If you don’t have to go to the Red Dragon Taoist’s unlucky and pure fairy pot, it’s already in your hands. Isn’t it ungrateful for your old man to criticize me now? "
Cha Shuangying said, however, that this disciple argued for a few words and then set up a master’s frame, which made the fat boy yelling particularly miserable, but he didn’t give him half a mouthful of water. Although Cha Shuangying didn’t impose any powerful spells on this disciple, Meng Kuan didn’t dare to relax at all. Although he used to speak in words, he also knew that the master’s words were always murderous and powerful. The handsome boy who offended his master just now was an example.
Meng Kuan’s laziness is different from Jiao Fei’s, so he can save a little effort. On the day Jiao Fei followed Road flyover Lan Li, he also met Cha Shuangying in the town. When passing by Baishi Town, the elder of Zhushan Sect saw the younger Han and Meng Zhuzhu, two swordsmen from Lijiang River. Meng Kuan wanted this fat boy to help him find out the news.
Meng Kuan is not as clever and careless as Jiao Fei, but he has a glib tongue. He actually persuaded the elders of Zhushan Sect to accept disciples and read double images for more than 300 years. Since he looked at Meng Kuan and took it pleasing to the eye, he left without asking if he was willing or not.
Meng Kuanping’s daily follow focus flying together has always been called "inseparable from Meng Meng". Jiao Fei likes to read some articles about supernatural beings. Although Meng Kuan has been edified by Jiao Fei, although he doesn’t watch it himself, he knows some fairy and monster stories. Although the double shadow looks fierce, it is a mass of black and black as a cloud of ink and fire, and his heart is really envious, and he has also learned from this Zhushan sect elder.
This pair of apprentices is much more lively than Jiao Fei and Taoist Lan Li. When I got to Chang ‘an, I got Meng Kuan’s bad ideas, which is the most promising way to win the pure fairy pot. It happened that when he met the Dragon Tiger Sect Red Dragon in Xixuan Mountain, they had a feud, so I had a fight with the red dragon. As a result, Taoist Lan Li beat me to regret it, but it was not the case that I tracked it all the way, but I gave it to Taoist Lan Li to escape.
Road flyover Lanli fled the light quickly and fought and fled around a great circle, then fled back to the Huaihe River and disappeared. More and more practitioners gathered here to find out the double-shadow puzzling method. Only then did he adopt Meng Kuan’s idea of playing the role of the new apprentice Lanli Taoist and trying to cheat the Lanli Taoist out, but he was the only one who knew Jiao Fei’s appearance and sent Yang He back to the mountain to plead guilty to the master. All the people present could not see through the double-shadow and Meng Kuan’s master-apprentice tricks.
Cha Shuangying felt anxious in his heart. "Road flyover Lan Li’s mana has been with me for almost so long. I’m afraid that the pure fairy pot has been successfully refined by him. If he can put this treasure, he should fight him as he pleases, but only if several people from Zhushanmen come together or please send seven treasures out of town can he seize this town-level magic weapon from him."
"The Red Dragon in the West Xuanshan Mountain has gone back to the mountain. I think it’s hopeless to win this magic weapon for nothing. Why don’t I know that it’s extremely difficult to get my hands on this treasure after dragging on for so long? If I don’t have this treasure, the disaster will not pass fifty years later."
Meng Kuan has been calling for more than two hours, but he has learned Zhushan’s teaching method with Cha Shuangying. Otherwise, why did it take so long? Seeing Meng Kuan in the double film, I can’t name any tricks to think to myself. Road flyover Blue Plow must have made a little puss-head, and the pure Jun Xianhu would never show up. It was a sad regret in my heart that "I had to settle old scores with Red Dragon if I wasn’t competitive, so I didn’t expect this pure Jun Xianhu to come to Taiwan. I didn’t expect this old ghost to refine Yuan Shen’s mana in the past few decades. Although it was not as good as me, it was also a hard hand, and I couldn’t remember it for more than two hours."
Check the double shadow reasoning, some disheartened and broken the sound spell. Outside, it sounds like Meng Kuan’s voice is loud, and it’s like being crushed to death like a chick. Generally, the Huaihe monks don’t secretly scold this Zhushan Sect elder for his vicious and vicious means, and he actually humiliated such a young man.
But just now, Cha Shuangying laughed and accepted a person’s soul. These factions thought that they could resist even if they were resentful in their hearts. Yang Huer was so angry that his face was red and Gu Yuer Li Wenfang said, "This old ghost is cruel. In the future, I will practice Taoism and must kill Cha Shuangying and let him know that I am a powerful sword sect in Lijiang."
It’s dark and the cloud of fire slowly rolled up to check the double shadow. It’s a little hard for Meng Kuan to see that Master is so shocked and relieved. "Master’s magic edge must have scared the blue plow Taoist …"
Cha Shuangying waved his hand slightly and suddenly showed his joy. "Blue plough old ghost, you are finally impatient and come out to die!"
Jiao Fei heard a thunderbolt in Shuifu, and the whole Huaihe River seemed to shake. Then there was thunder and sky fire outside, just like the world was coming to an end. He heard the elders of Zhushan Sect cha Shuangying drink his master’s name, and there were some surprises, but then the changes outside exceeded Jiao Fei’s imagination.